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2:21        耶和華 神使他沉睡、他就睡了.於是取下他的一條肋骨、又把肉合起來。
2:22        耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
2:23        那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。

作為世界第一宗全身麻醉外科手術病人及世界第一宗人體器管盜竊victim, 咁樣寫會唔會醒目過頭呢?
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 09:51

創世紀第2章, 寫作年份不詳,
恐怕都在四, 五千年前。
難以明白當時寫的人(不知是否梅瑟, 或是梅瑟從口傳得來的)會懂:
幾千年後的我們, 卻看得懂咁樣。

如此推理, 尚未明白, 我們仍搲哂頭的部份:
再過一些時候 唔知要不要幾千年, ...人就明白是甚麼矣, 是濕濕碎既醫學技術?
2:21        耶和華 神使他沉睡、他就睡了.於是取下他的一條肋骨、又把肉合起來。
2:22        耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
2:23        那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。

作為世界第一宗全身麻醉外科手術病人及世界第一宗人體器管盜竊victim, 咁樣寫會唔會醒目過頭呢?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
So, can we conclude the point of using diluted or concentrated 4-5% alcohol for digestion and frequent bouts of illness?
Last night I tried that myself, didn't help at all. I took this in the morning, feeling better now."

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 20:20 編輯
I get that. People lived in the biblical world were extremely special, their dicks were totally different.

沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 18:47

If that is the case, then why are you still worrying how Lot could 'raise his flag' after tons of wines?
I get that. People lived in the biblical world were extremely special, their dicks were totally different.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 14:26 編輯
Whatever you call it, I've experienced too many times what is feel like after 10 liters of 5% alcoho ...
沙文 2023/4/18 11:33 提交

    With 10 litres of fluid inside your body, your little brother wants to pee more than the urge to cum.
Whatever you call it, I've experienced too many times what is feel like after 10 liters of 5% alcohol.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆  beebeechan

I'll tell you when I meet the guy who can take 10-year-old wine, be unaware of hi ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 09:29

Look like you are speaking  about Lot being pass out in boozing, while the bible is putting Lot in blackout condition. The two are different.
回覆 2147# beebeechan

I'll tell you when I meet the guy who can take 10-year-old wine, be unaware of his own daughter coming to bed or leaving, and still keep his dick functional.
Maybe I can understand the bible when I meet someone who is capable of doing that.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 07:23

You would never meet a tortoise to race with a bunny, and they can even talk to each other.
How come you could still understand the meaning of such story?
I don't know anyone could fuck while being "unaware of her coming to bed or leaving" after drinking any amount of 10-year-old wine.
Maybe I can understand the bible when I meet someone who is capable of doing that.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 2143# beebeechan
use oil.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 10:09 編輯
回覆  beebeechan

I don't know. you tell me.
How did they manage to have tons of 4-5% alcoholic fl ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 03:59

    The bible does not tell you how long Lot and his daughters lived in the cave. May be years, or decade.
回覆  beebeechan

Yes, I did.
We are trained to use water and soap. not alcoholic fluid, like Jesus ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 03:57

    What if you don't have water in hand?
回覆 2139# beebeechan

I don't know. you tell me.
How did they manage to have tons of 4-5% alcoholic fluid in the cave?
回覆 2140# beebeechan

Yes, I did.
We are trained to use water and soap. not alcoholic fluid, like Jesus teaches

What is the point to use "diluted 4-5% alcoholic fluid" on the wound?
Luk10:34 He went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to an inn and looked after him.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/16 03:22

You may be a good instructor under water, but not on land.

    Have you ever took any  First Aid Training?
Putting strong alcohol on wounds do more bad than good.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/16 04:18 編輯
How much " 4-5% alcoholic fluid" did Lot keep in the cave, after escaping from the city?

30 After l ...
沙文 2023/4/16 03:22 提交

what’s on your mind?
you mean Lot and his daughters fled Sodom with barrels of 4-5% alcoholic fluid….this is absurd!?
How much " 4-5% alcoholic fluid" did Lot keep in the cave, after escaping from the city?

30 After leaving Zoar Lot settled in the hill country with his two daughters, for he dared not stay at Zoar. He lived in a cave, he and his two daughters.

What is the point to use "diluted 4-5% alcoholic fluid" on the wound?
Luk10:34 He went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to an inn and looked after him.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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