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[發問] 覺得呢個基督徒有無問題﹖

Disclaimer:  I don't think there is anything wrong with the blog.

I only find it funny that you would need asking for a perfect person to judge you.  

Why?  Why can't a person who tease another person point out another is also doing the same?  Do you need to wear a spotless shirt to point out the other's shirt has a black spot on it?   There is a third option humanity has used for century:  We each point out each other's mistakes (or watch each other's back)!  

I am curious.  Even if he did left an username in the forum, how do you intend to find him/her out?  I am sincerely curious because I really don't know how.


Concerning the Christian point, if you find a bad orange in a box of orange, do you conclude that all the oranges are bad?  What if you find 2 that are bad?  3? 4? 5?  (Consider the "N-1" thread here.)

It is inheritly a statistical problem.  How many poeple do you think are needed to poll to figure out the approximate election result of USA?

Think about it, it is not that irrational.

Disclaimer:  My brother is a Christian so I am not saying most Christian are bad or anything to that degree.

I am wondering if you know what racist do?  (Christian is NOT a race.)

He would be cloesr to a racist if he "呢個中國人去外地旅行,竟然影人唔小心走光相,然後放在自己xanga上取笑。"

But then, the question must be ask:  Is it racist or even sexist (against Chinese and women) to say 「一名中國女子去香港做妓女」

I have my own thought on it, I am wondering what do you think?

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-11-6 18:15 編輯 ]
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