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+ 長江三峽大壩

+長江三峽大壩 .........

if .... i were the japanneses who invade 'the China again ,
if .... i were the Bin-Laden ,
if .... i were the Islam's-terrorrist ,
if .... i were to target 'the China ,
then ....
i need to look no where further than 長江三峽大壩 .........

if .... 長江三峽大壩 were damned ,
then ....
tens of thousands of chinese people could b killed instantly ,
'the flood could kill up to shanghai ,

if ....
any1 were to invest in
any China's ``real" estate along 'the Long River or in-deed
any China's ``real" estate ,
then ....
take extreme care to cool yourself down ,

長江三峽大壩 , the 4ever China's threat
長江三峽大壩 , the 4ever China's threat

回復 4# 的帖子

>> 藝人湯蘭花、尹清風遺孀李美葵都是教友,立委柯俊雄也在

o k
o my God , come on ,
they have not only the richest resources among all religions , but ,
they have also the super talents ,
they have also the super marketting talents ,

they may b even crazier than .... of course ,
they must deny it
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2007-12-29 13:01 發表
如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,不用等到黄 ...

.1.first first class classic classiccal sorries for cant type in chinese

possibly no more about japanneses

but ,
probably it were the BinLaden + Islam's terrorrists + Islam's separatists
beware of the Islam's terrorrists/////////separatists from xinjiang新疆
there'r tens of millions of Muslims in China ,
9x% of population in
xinjiang新疆 'r of Muslims
every 1 in todays China become richer and richer , i.e. including
every Muslim in todays China +
every Islamist in todays China +
every Islamistic separatist in todays China +
every Islamistic financial supporter in todays China + .........
as the buddhism say : :::::
v'r in this or that cycles ,
when 1 cycle reach its climax
then it .........
dont under-estimate the determination of Islamism+separatism in todays china ,
they may b hidden or coverred
they call their war as ......Jihad - ......the Holy War ,
they call themselves as Jihadists - the Holy Warriors ,
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2007-12-29 13:01 發表
如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,不用等到黄 ...

>> 一來尋常的炸彈,
>> 根本是炸不了大壩,
>> 除非是日夜連續轟炸十天八天。
these may b the data all released by those China's government's officials

for a possibly neutral version : :::::
'the chinese version : :
'the cantonnese version : :

by 'the way ,
'the chinese version may b perhaps possibly probably potentially in my own guestimation
done by some officials who may have some interests in 'the project

an external link which was deleted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Gorges_Dam
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2007-12-29 13:01 發表
如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,不用等到黄 ...

>> 如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,
>> 不用等到黄昏,
>> 日本受核武殺滅的人口將不少於五千萬,
this may b exActly what 'the terrorrists want exActly ,
they may do 'the bombing demolishment and
then leaving the traces which make the other chinese people to suspect
that would be done by the Japanneses ....
then ....
the retaliations would b sure ....

just as 2days[todays] ....
ex-prime-minister of Pakistan , My Fair Lady Benazir_Bhutto ,
贝娜齐尔·布托 was assassinated ,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benazir_Bhutto ,
'then ,
'the president of Pakistan , My Dear Sir Mushraf , was made to become 'the top suspect instantly ....
'then .... Pakistan , 'the immediate chaos , which u can c[see] from tv ....
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2007-12-29 13:01 發表
如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,不用等到黄 ...

>> 一來尋常的炸彈,
>> 根本是炸不了大壩,
>> 除非是日夜連續轟炸十天八天。
todays ,
the plastic bombing materials ,
which-could-blast-away-a-jet ,
can b hand-carried into a jet ....
>>>> 如果曰本今天中午轟炸長江三峽大壩 ,
>>>> 不用等到黄昏,
>>>> 日本受核武殺滅的人口將不少於五千萬,
>> this may b exActly what 'the terrorrists want exActly ,
>> they may do 'the bombing demolishment and
>> then leaving the traces
>> which make the other chinese people to suspect
>> that would be done by the Japanneses ....
>> then ....
>> the retaliations would b sure ....

o k
sorry , that's 100.000% my own conjection[guess] ,
sorry 4 my pure fictionnal guestimation ,
ye can take it simply as a plot of a future futuristic romance novel

sorry ThANKye , pendragon


http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6 ... #.E7.BB.8F.E6.B5.8E
>> 新疆还有丰富的石油等矿藏资源。
>> 阿克苏和克拉玛依的石油和天然气工业日渐繁荣,
>> 修建连接上海的输气管道。
many China's-minerals-corporations which 'r listed in hk ,
have their minerals mainly found in 新疆
4[for] oil , America invaded Iraq ,
4[for] oil ,
the Islamistic terrorists 'r much more active
their counterparts in Afghanistan
+ ,
on an other hand ,
in general ,
the general public local people of  新疆 ,
'r poor ,
expecially in relation to shang-hai e.t.c.
the illness o'[of ]
`````````red-eyes"""""""" .........
+ ,
who is rich in 新疆 ?
those in 'the bureaucracies
+ their friends
+ their fans
+ their fams[families]
+ ,
the local people o'[of ]
新疆 , regard 'the oils + 'the gas + all the minerals found in
新疆 , as the present gifted from Allah , to the local people o'[of]
新疆 , purely gifted to the local people o'[of ]
新疆 ,
just as : :::::
Arabians take all the minerals found in
Arabia , as the present gifted from Allah to
Arabians ,
but ,
but ,
but ,
but ,
the share of revenues from minerals earned by 新疆's local folk in general ,
's so .........
some 新疆's local folk call their own ancestor's land as
````````` East Turkestan """""""" 东突厥斯坦 ,
[[[[[[[[[ in their own languages of course naturally ]]]]]]]]] ,
at least privatly
some 新疆's local folk call themselves as
````````` East Turk """""""" 东突厥 ,
[[[[[[[[[ in their own languages of course naturally ]]]]]]]]] ,
at least privatly
along with
香港's people demanding
more and more democracy
more and more aggressivly ,
then ....
sooner or later ....
新疆's local people will get 'the winds ,
新疆's local people will and WILL learn `````something"""" from
hk's .........
some 新疆's local people may ask : :::::
````````` 香港 can have so many a democracy , then .... why cant 新疆 ? """"""""
````````` 香港people can , then .... why cant 新疆people  ? """"""""
````````` 新疆people being discriminated against ? """"""""
````````` 新疆族 being discriminated against ? """"""""
````````` 新疆教徒people being discriminated against ? """"""""
after-all ,
新疆's all-governmental-official name is really
新疆维吾尔自治区 ,
`自治' .........
2008 01 01
>> On January 5, 2007
>> the Chinese Public Security Bureau raided
>> a terrorist training camp
>> in the mountains near the Pamir Plateau
>> in southern Xinjiang.
>> According to reports,
>> 18 terrorists were killed and another
>> 17 captured
>> in a gun battle between
>> the East Turkestan Independence Movement and PRC forces.
>> One Police Officer was killed and "over 1,500 hand grenades...
>> were seized."
>> [2]
i'm not to discourage any investment in China or China-stocks
but ,
but ,
just dont over-invest ,
just dont over-invest ,
caveat-emptor [[[[[[[[[ beware-buyer ]]]]]]]]]
i'm just here to point out
'the potential risks , i'm taking the liberty to pretend as the ````````` bad boy """""""" who unveils
'the hidden risks ,
which appear to be a taboo in the current stocks markets
declaration : :::::
all the above my own commentations 'r nothing but my own personnal
`````romantic"""" romance-novel-like guestimations ,
fraught of faults or subjective assertations ,
so ,
dont believe it

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-2 07:43 編輯 ]
新疆證實劫機事件劫機者被制服 (星島) 03月 09日 星期日 05:39PM

正在北京    出席人大會議的新疆自治區主席努爾.白克力證實,當地前日發生企圖劫機事件,機上乘客機員全部無恙。白克力表示,事發在前日上午約10時,南方航空一班原定由烏魯木齊飛往北京的航機上


i do anticipate some thing more especially b4 our olympic games
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