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回復 58# dye 的帖子

"In fact it is what HK government is trying by having a "common sense" course in school.  In Canada, I heard they are speaking of a basic philosophy class."

I don't think the "common sense" courses could achieve the "target" (if it is really the real target) of installing the critical thinking into students' mind set. In the worse case, many "common sense" non-sense are installed in most of students, and they would even reject critical thinking. And I personnally guess that this would be more likely to be the case in the future. After all, the grade in this course are given by certain teachers, who didn't take basic critical thinking courses, needless to say philosophy courses. In fact, I have taken "religious studies" course for HKCEE, and it seems similiar as the "common sense" courses by using the bible to analyse current issues. And this would give incentives for students to use the word of bible to prepare of "religious studies" and "common sense" courses.

回復 64# prussianz 的帖子

因為不想揭書, 所以沒有quote bible. 所以, 只得一個C...

回復 71# 沙文 的帖子

你係唔係想講: 若然死的是全家, 他們還用出埃及, 同其他民族玩滅族嗎?
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