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"如同聖經的真理是神所默示, 你可以唔信, 但你卻不能推諉的"

--->我唔信<----講呢句就係"推諉"啦...怎樣不能??如果你說"可以唔信, 但你卻不能推諉的", 請先教我你這些類似中文的外星話, 否則我語言天份不高, 不能明白你的"真理"啊...

回復 1# 櫻花樹下 的帖子

以前決志不代表之後不可以改變主意. 如果覺得自己曾做錯決定, 盡量改過便是. 很多人也會改變主意(不只是宗教問題...). 你先認真思考一下(反正沒有很趕的deadline...不用急的...)是否繼續信, 是否去教會等問題吧...最重要的是有作認真, 理性的思考...

回復 69# 沙文 的帖子


回復 71# prussianz 的帖子


回復 100# 的帖子

---->Is it right to treat your "q" as the abbreviation of "question"? Please correct me if I am wrong...

"life in heaven is NOT an ideal life on Earth. They're absolutely different. You'r still using mortal man's vision to anticipate the world after physical death. When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become high spiritual. Time and space will no time be a limit. You ever heard that a needle's head can hold thousands of angels? that's the concept of spirit. "

------------->So, in the promotion of the faith of Christianity, it should be clearly stated that the "LIFE IN HEAVEN IS NOT IDEAL LIFE ON EARTH" to avoid confusion, especially for those who think "LIFE IN HEAVEN = IDEAL LIFE". Right?

"dont mean to challenge you, and qs related to spiritual things are high encouraged, as we christians are NOT dummies who just receive messages and dont think. but, you should think about the right qs, and, dont challenge the Lord."

------------->1. Why "Dont challenge the Lord"?? This is exactly an important issue to be made clear for one to make rational decision on religious matters.

                    2. By "the Lord", is the term "copyrighted", and can only be solely used by Christianity?

"i think a q that's worth the most thinking is, 'is jesus and all events related to him real?'. if that's real, it implies Jesus IS God's son and by faith, we believe everything in the bible is real(as Jesus fully support bible himself)"

-------------->How about if the answer is NO?
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