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回復 2# 訪客得得b 的帖子

Both Yellow River and Yangtze river seems to originate from Qinghai.

Rather, Tibet is the source of important rivers for Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.

If holding the upstream of a river is threat enough for occupation, a lot can rightful attempt an invasion to China because it threaten their national security.

回復 6# 訪客得得b 的帖子

Strange, no matter wiki, or baidu I check, Yellow River and Yangtse River has a description like this:

黄河(Yellow River):全长5600公里,流域面积752,443 平方公里,是中国境内仅次于长江的河流,它发源于青海省巴颜喀拉山,成“几”字形流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南及山东九个省。




I even compare the desciption of different province to make sure:




I could be wrong because I am unfamiliar with the exact geography over there.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-8-1 16:44 編輯 ]

回復 16# 訪客得得b 的帖子

Um..  according to my data


"The "Nanjing Decade" of 1928-37 was one of consolidation and accomplishment by the Kuomintang. "



蒙藏各部,统归钦差办理青海蒙古番子事务大臣(简称西宁办事大臣)管辖。从此,凡称青海者,意即指该大臣所辖各族地界。 光绪三十三年(1907)推行新政时,曾议改青海为行省,不果。辛亥革命后,西宁办事大臣改为青海办事长官。1915年又改为蒙番宣慰使,由甘边宁海镇守使兼任。1926年撤销上述二使,改称甘边诸海护军使。 1912年北洋军阀政府任命马麒为西宁总兵,1915年又任命其为蒙蕃宣慰使和甘边宁海镇守使。从此,马家军阀在国民党政府的支持下统计青海近40年。1929年青海省正式成立。

"Qinghai was only relatively recently made a province of China. The area, historically called Kokonor in English until the early 20th century, lies outside of China proper and has been an ethnic melting pot for centuries, mixing Tibetan, Han Chinese, Mongol, and Turkic influences. It was a battleground during the Tang and subsequent Chinese dynasties when they fought against successive Tibetan dynasties.[1]

Prior to 1724, the area that is now Qinghai was under Tibetan control, but in that year it was conquered by the armies of the Qing Dynasty.[2] Following the defeat of the Dzungars by the Qing in the mid 18th century, the area became home to peoples from what is now northern Xinjiang known as the Kokonor Mongols (Kokonor derives from the Mongolian language name of Qinghai). In 1807, there was a rebellion by Tibetan people in the region.

In 1928, Qinghai became a province of the Republic of China. Subsequently it became the primary base for warlord Ma Bufang, before it became a province under the People's Republic of China in 1949."


[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-8-2 09:18 編輯 ]

回復 18# 訪客得得b 的帖子

If others are correct, I do not see why I should reinvent the wheel.  It is just humbleness in the vast ocean of accumulated knowledge in this world.

To write something new is easy (like Bible), to write something new and factually grounded with any detail is difficult (like article in 'respected' academic journal).  

To write something new, factually grounded with details, and insightful at the same time would take a master of the arts and quite a bit of time/money.

It is better to listen and learn, then to make a mistake like "了解一下中國境內主要河流  其源頭之所在 大家就會明白西藏之重要性"

The mistake is factually incorrect as well as theorically incorrect.

I have pointed out:
a)  Yellow river, Yangtse river, the cradle of Chinese civilization do not orginate from Qinghai
b)   If you are inquisitive and follow my lead, you will also find that the next one, Zhujiang originate from Yunnan.  You can keep checking until you find most of the major river in China simply DO NOT come from Tibet.  Take another example of the 7 major river of China, Huaihe, it orginate from Henan province.

c) Quite a number of river that do originate from Tibet flow to other countries, as you read in the passage.

Theorically, if a country have a claim on the source of its water because of national security, we should be looking for a world war pretty soon because quite a number of countries has shared water.

And if your hypothesis is true in any meaningful way, Tibet probably belongs to India as it is the orgin of its holy water (恒河、印度河) (Along with many others)

回復 21# 沙文 的帖子

Don't insult V by placing their name togather in a sentence.

Here is V theory "所謂藏民自治其實不過是一個假議題。。。。。西藏地處喜馬拉雅山脈。。。。孫子有言善攻者動於九天之上﹐到時美國取得戰略上的制高點。。。。在那裡部署幾千枚戰斧式巡航導彈。。。。覆蓋整個中國大陸。。。。實行東西兩邊夾擊中國。。。到時真係大檸樂"

Beside the fact that "善攻者動於九天之上" is a misquote because Sunzi's era has no fighter jets, we should be checking if any of the surrounding countries has a high mountain range.  (No wonder Israel invaded Syria and refuse to returned Golan Height to them.  This is so damn clever of Israelis.)

This is the beauty of politic, how do we decide whose policy to follow?  

Do we follow B's policy and fight every country that control the source of water we drink?

Or do we follow V's policy and fight every neigbour country that live at a higher altitude than us?

For other who is bored to death and wish to read something else, here is an excerpt from Sunzi



The question is how many parts of China is in this kind of condition where 令民于上同意者也,可與之死,可與之生,民不

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-8-2 17:41 編輯 ]

回復 55# 訪客得得b 的帖子

Basic information from wiki

Lake Victoria



Uganda (least democratic of the three)

Now what is next.
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