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[求情時間] 跪求!請聯署「家庭暴力條例」聲明

本帖最後由 NACA 於 2009-1-11 12:46 編輯
Guest from 218.189.223.x 發表於 2009-1-9 18:43

Firstly, what harm does it do?

Secondly, if you don't like it, though s***, don't sign then. We aren't gonna stop just because you say "stop". On top of that we aren't asking you to sign.
Well... I don't know what those "Christians" are thinking...

So, would that be OK if it isn't gay couple? Boyfriend and girlfriend can live together without marrying as well but that's not allowed in Christianity. Why are you guys just picking on gay couples?

The thing about DV is that because it involves a close relationship. And because of this, the victum will hesitate in seeking for help. It's very different from flatmates beating each other up, when nothing will stop they from calling the police.
何秀蘭 -《家庭暴力條例》的修訂建議 @福利事務委員會特別會議 10jan09

22# 抽刀斷水

Me too!
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