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[搞笑] 原罪和一次得救永遠得救 by淚兒


This is simply not true.  Check your facts.
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/15 10:06 編輯


In terms of physical characteristics, ethnic Mongols exhibit a variety of features, with typical Mongoloid features being most noticeable. Epicanthic folds of the eyes exist on almost all Mongols along with high and pronounced cheekbones. The vast majority of Mongols have black hair and brown eyes, although a certain number of ethnic Mongols, particulary Mongolians of Western Mongolia tend to exhibit lighter features such as light to dark blond/brown or red hair, fair skin, and blue or green eyes.

If by Mongol it means Mongol national, it is obvious that they are not neccessary born in yellow skin color.
In science, skin color or "race" is in gradient.  It is near impossible to define a race in science.
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/15 12:13 編輯

回復 20# Dalvm

Thought crime?

Are you planning to compare babies thought crime with serial killer?

What exactly does sin mean to a baby?
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 11:30 編輯

"成個世界都係佢做既, 佢有權自我中心. 係咁."

"個禁果係人自己食既. 就算佢擺棵樹係度, 亞當佢唔食都冇事架, 唔怪得神架喎..."
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 11:45 編輯

「不過出毒奶粉果D人冇講過話D奶粉有毒, 我又冇講俾人知响街市放左個核彈呀嗎~ 如果果D人一早講明D奶粉有毒/一早講左响街市放左個核彈, 佢都要食/引爆, 咁真係唔怪得人架喎. 唔係咩?」


你是典型的MIGHT MAKES RIGHT (有強權無公理)
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 12:01 編輯

回復 42# 出位基督徒



「後果係咪要自己負, 關人乜事?」

1) 個岸唔係政府起,如果唔係政府已買第三保
2) 政府可以起欄杆,實則上好多危險地方政府都有,冇只係政府估你無咁笨 (主因係政府能力有限)

本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 12:26 編輯




本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 12:50 編輯

回復 53# 出位基督徒





回復 58# 出位基督徒


本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 13:04 編輯


但係我至少認無知,我點能知你咁能笨七? (死左人係譟D)

本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 15:01 編輯

回復 68# 出位基督徒



本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/16 15:05 編輯

回復 74# 出位基督徒


(1) 任何人不得藉合約條款、 一般告示或 特別向某些人發出的 告示, 而卸除或 局限自己因疏忽引致他人死亡或
人身傷害的 法律責任


(3) 如合約條款或 告示看來是用以卸除或 局限因疏忽而引致的 法律責任, 則雖然某人同意或 知道該條款或 告示的 存在
, 亦不得單憑這點認為該人表示自 願承擔任何風險。


本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/18 22:56 編輯

回復 91# 出位基督徒

Negligence has a very different meaning.  The fact that you place the bomb there IS enough.

Why do you think they made people buy third party insurance on cars, and every part of the building?

Please read the WHOLE SENTENCE

"(1) 任何人不得藉合約條款、 一般告示或 特別向某些人發出的 告示, 而卸除或 局限自己因疏忽引致他人死亡或
人身傷害的 法律責任"
I did not cased any injury or death by posting in incorrect grammar.

Read.  Idiot!
I think the talk on these negligence should end here.  If you fail the grasp the meaning of it, you have just no common sense.

The principle behind neglience has a Christian root.  "Love thy neighbor".

The idea is that people should pay "reasonable" effort in keeping others safe from harm.  By reasonableness, you consider

1) Whether the harm is foreseeable.   People are expected to act in a reasonable manner.(In the case of God, however, it is totally forseen)

2) The degree of the foreseeable harm.  If it result in death or injury, the responsibility is high. (In the case of God, it is a couple billion death at least)

3) The price of the preventive measure (In the case of God, the price is little)

4) The ability of the defendent to pay the price (In the case of God, the ability is infinite)

Other factors to keep in mind:
5) The forseeable capacity of the plaintiff.  The less the capacity, the higher the responsibility (In the case of God, the capcity of human is suppose to be none before eating from the Tree)

So a swimming pool with a notice but no lifeguard is not good enough.

If there is many previous death on a dangerous cliff even after the notice is there, a notice is not good enough

Also, putting a warning on a pack of cocaine will not save you from the crime you committed.

Putting a child alone at home no matter how you warn him/her will not let you escape from child abuse.

Again, placing a nuclear bomb in the market with only a notice is not good enough.  Even a builiding demolition will clear the building before placing explosive to it.  If and when you apply for such a permit, I am absolutely sure that just placing a notice and warning people is not good enough.  'Heavy measures' has to be taken with checks everywhere.
On the opposite, if any measure to protect the public to the cliff is 'too expensive', the responsibilty can be lifted.   

There is no problem if you do not place a warning over an obviously dangerous cliff because you expect people to be reasonable.  (In human case ONLY because we are not all knowing!)

The responsiblility of handling a pencil is ofcourse very different from handling a nuclear weapon

The responsibility of a doctor is higher than a layman in medical practice.  It is ok if you fail to do anything your neghbour from bleeding to death if you are just Joe Doe.  But if you are a doctor (even novice), there is very high expectation.

As a matter of fact, God has demonstrated what he should have done to the tree of knowlegde.  If he has protected fruit from the tree of knowlegde in the same way as he has protected the tree of life after the fall, billion will be saved.

It is that simple, a few swords of fire and maybe a gate.
And THAT is the conclusion.
回復 143# beebeechan

The best way to have more non-Christian is to have them read the Bible themselves.
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