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[轉載] 基督教聖詩 GOD HATES THE WORLD (MV)分享


[ 本帖最後由 jackfruit 於 2007-5-26 12:38 編輯 ]
Paul would love this!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
i m new to this BBS. nice to meet u all. i wanna interview ex-christian for my anthropology assignment. can u guys help me? i am a so called ex-christian.

回復 #4 jackfruit 的帖子

Hi, why will you call yoursefl a "so-called" ex-christian?
Hehe, just chat more with us, or you may find one quickly~~~

光暗一線, 正邪一念.

回復 #4 jackfruit 的帖子


對付教徒三式: 不主動、 不抗拒、 不負責!

i am not a christian indeed but went to church when i was in form 3-4.
i didnt believe in god, but to please my teachers or mates. had to pretend to be a christian.
i 決志-ed to please them. indeed i didnt have any faith in particular. just treat church as community centre. never believe in GOD.

later i didnt go to church and i promoted to other school. i encountered some of my ex-churchmates there. i attempted to hi them. they "hike" face to me lor. i start to question what is love

later i learnt that an assistant cell tutor is gay. he was asked to leave the church, of course, church clergy must pretend to be liberal.
我都好想可以返下呢d 反耶教 教會

講真, 耶教其中一個成功之道係佢 用朋友的關懷 去引人入教..

如果有多d反耶教作曲/ 唱d好聽gei歌你話幾好
又有人贊美我 , 真好
原帖由 耶和華 於 2007-6-22 19:42 發表
又有人贊美我 , 真好


支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-6-22 21:35 發表



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