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耶穌會全體仝人, 我唔知係幾多, 都算唔符合咩?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
【難逃法網】性侵三女童後潛逃 色魔牧師判囚60年

建立時間 (HKT): 20160908 18:07


59歲的霍蘭(Otis Holland)星期三被法庭判處15項控罪罪名成立,他需要在監獄服刑至少60年才可以申請假釋。霍蘭被指在拉斯維加斯地區的「United Faith Church」擔任牧師期間,性侵三名年少的女信徒,他在2010年12月首次被捕後逃亡至墨西哥,2012年1月在墨西哥提華納(Tijuana)被捕。




http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/re ... l/20160908/55615989
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

神父感染HIV却强奸30名幼女 承认后被教会宽恕
2016-09-22 13:02:59

  英国《每日邮报》20日引述西语网站Urgente24.com报道,该神父名为Jose Garcia Ataulfo,目前已被墨西哥教区宣告无罪。
  2004年,梵蒂冈重新对神父Marcial Maciel进行调查,他曾被指控性侵未成年人,并致3名女性生下6个孩子。
  (观察者网 赵可心/编译自每日邮报)
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
市長兼教徒姦4歲女三年 辯稱:佢做主動兼樂意做愛

65歲的基南(Richard Keenan)曾當過哈伯德市(Hubbard)市長,案情指他2013年9月至2016年6月,淫辱一名女童近3年,當局無公開二人關係,而消息震驚哈伯德市。

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/re ... l/20160914/55642477
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
稱同志教徒應單身 竟猥褻少年遭停職
《紐約每日新聞》報導,這名神父朱利安諾(Anthony Giuliano)今年8月間遭到43歲男子指控,曾在1980年代猥褻他。警方發現指控可信,於是展開調查。紐約大主教區於本周二將他停職處分。
指控者告訴警方,1987和1988年間,他在紐約布朗克斯(Bronx)的教堂Holy Rosary Church工作,與朱利安諾成為朋友,兩人經常會玩摔角。
2014年間,朱利安諾接受專訪時曾說過,若是同性戀者想要融入天主教會社群,就必須要保持獨身,且質疑教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)支持天主教接納同性伴侶教徒的決策。

http://www.appledaily.com.tw/rea ... ew/20160908/944486/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 665# 沙文

回覆 666# 抽刀斷水

好啦好啦, 加埋入善行thread度啦
英國ACE學校被指控 自80年代開始虐待學生
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國近日有調查披露,原教旨主義的加速基督教教育(Accelerated Christian Education)學校,於1980至2000年代間,會為學生做驅魔儀式,聲稱為其驅逐體內魔鬼。在宗教儀式的過程中會毆打學生,甚至會強迫女學生下嫁年長男子。早前有英國報章揭露這些學校仍在教導,女性必須臣服於男性,以及同性戀是不正常等觀念,促使舊生們決定站出來指證。


http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news ... 0920_17011_001.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
根據墨西哥媒體《Excélsior》報導,女童在上月中旬到了福音教會時,遭到牧師克魯茲(Cirilo Jerónimo Cruz)狼爪性侵,但她事後返家並未向家人告知此事。直到後來女童行為舉止出現異常,父母親發現有異,連忙追問之下,女童才說出遭到克魯茲性侵。
家屬連忙到她到當地衛生所檢查,女童被證實確實遭到性侵,隨後所方將她轉到聖胡安包蒂斯塔圭卡特蘭(San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán)醫院接受治療。事後女童父親到警局報案,指控克魯茲性侵女兒,不料受理此案的員警桑契斯(Albino Sanchez),正好與克魯茲是好朋友,最後僅對他開罰2箱啤酒就草草結案。

原文網址: 墨國8歲女童遭牧師性侵 員警僅罰他2箱啤酒結案 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20161005/787810.htm
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
墨西哥日前發生一起性侵案件,一名8歲女童遭到55歲的牧師 ...
沙文 發表於 2016/10/5 22:45

at your 他媽的 fingertips

條靚妹又未到法定飲酒年齡, 唔通要存放到佢18歲?咁不如紅酒啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
at your 他媽的 fingertips

沙文 發表於 2016/10/6 02:19

墨國8歲女童遭牧師性侵 員警僅罰他2箱啤酒結案
是出自 SIF
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2016/10/6 08:38

美國佬先睇綠卡, 意大利唔用綠卡嘅
您喺凡帝肛有熟人, 打声招呼摸下底就搞得掂
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
傳道人教會聚會偷拍女教友裙底 官斥案情嚴重囚4周





案件編號:TMCC 2131/2016
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 676# 沙文

回覆 677# 抽刀斷水

叫賓妹做埋仲平, 都係天主教知慳識儉

A perverted Catholic priest with a track record of sexual harassment has been accused of molesting a housekeeper and sending her sexually-explicit photos - despite having completed a Church-ordered course of therapy for 'sexual deviancy'.
Fr Ramon Palomera is accused of forcing the housekeeper to give him massages, fondling her legs, exposing his genitals to her and bombarding her with explicit pictures of his penis, according to a lawsuit seen by DailyMail.com.
The alleged sexual harassment took place at St Francis Xavier church in Los Angeles between 2014 to 2015 - just four years after he was removed from neighboring St Augustine's church for sexual harassing another female employee over a seven-year period.

The alleged victim is now suing Palomera, along with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles - which is led by Archbishop José Gomez - which she claims assigned the priest to her church despite knowing he had 'a propensity for violent and sexual acts against women'.
The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday by leading civil rights attorney Mark Geragos states that between 2003 and 2010 Palomera sexually harassed a female employee at St Augustine Church, in the Culver City area of Los Angeles.
The abuse was so serious it resulted in a restraining order being issued against him.
Palomera was assigned to therapy for his 'sexual deviancy issues' - however in 2014 the priest was appointed to St Francis Xavier church in downtown Los Angeles as associate pastor.
The suit alleges that the archdiocese and Fr Enrique Huerta, another priest at St Francis, made the appointment knowing that Palomera was 'entirely unfit to serve as a clergy member'.
The Mexico born 50-year-old began his campaign of harassment as soon as he started the role, ordering the housekeeper - named in the suit only as Jane Doe - to unpack his belongings 'among which he knew were objects of sexual gratification including condoms'.     
He instructed her to unpack the items with the 'intent of humiliating the Plaintiff and causing her emotional distress', the suit claims, and mocked her when she refused.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... eviancy-before.html
4 New Brunswick priests caught in sexual abuse allegations
In the latest series of pedophilia scandals plaguing New Brunswick's Catholic churches, four priests have been accused of sexual assault, including the former chaplain of the University of Moncton and Dorchester Penitentiary.

Two of the priests practised at St-Joseph Church in Shediac when the alleged abuse took place.

A lawsuit was filed against Rev. Paul Breau, the former chaplain, Rev. Yvon Arsenault and the Moncton Diocese, alleging the priests used their position of authority to engage in repeated sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old boy.

The boy was a young offender who had been ordered to do community work on church grounds, including raking leaves in the yard surrounding the St-Joseph parish. The two priests were responsible for supervising the young boy.

The abuse is alleged to have occurred over a two-year-period in the 1980s, in the residence of the priests.

The complainant, now 45, said he suffered severe damage as a result of the abuse, including depression and anxiety.

Former chaplain

Father Paul Breau occupied high-profile positions within the Moncton Diocese, including champlaincy at the University of Moncton and Dorchester Penitentiary.

Breau was still practising when the alleged accusations surfaced.

The Archbishop of Moncton, Valery Vienneau, has since removed him from his duties. In a statement, Vienneau said he was saddened by the news.

"While Father Breau had an excellent record, we will in accordance with our policy for the protection of minors and vulnerable persons suspend Father Breau from any further activities as a cleric pending the outcome of the court case," said Vienneau.  

Vienneau also said the Diocese has committed itself to stringent anti-abuse protocol, and has taken "unprecedented steps" to resolve claims of victims of sexual abuse, particularly those that came forward through the process spearheaded by former Supreme Court Judge Michel Bastarache.

The University of Moncton refused to comment on the allegations against its former chaplain, stating it does not comment on cases that are before court.Yvon Arsenault also faces a new lawsuit from another complainant, who alleges he was abused at the St-Joseph Parish when he was 12-years-old.

Arsenault faced a string of sexual abuse allegations in previous years, and was eventually removed from the church in 2013.

Moncton priest faces new sexual abuse allegations

2 Moncton priests removed amidst sex abuse allegations

He is expected at Moncton's Court of Queen's Bench on Oct. 24 to face those accusations.

Five lawsuits in three months

New accusations have also surfaced against priests in Bathurst and  Edmundston.

A lawsuit was filed against Rev. Normand Dugas of the Bathurst Diocese and two other priests who are now deceased.

The complainant alleges he was abused by the three priests in succession, starting when he was six-years-old and continuing until he turned 14.

Last month, two lawsuits were filed against former priest Rino Deschenes and the Edmundston Diocese, alleging he repeatedly abused two young boys, aged between nine and 13, when he was a priest at the Riviere-Verte Church.

According to the lawsuit, Deschenes admitted to the allegations in letters given to the victims.

Deschenes is currently in prison, after pleading guilty in 2015 to five sex-related charges, including indecency and sodomy. He was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ne ... ual-abuse-1.3794096
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
San Diego priest faces charges for 'having sex with a woman he was religiously advising and paying her to keep quiet about their relationship'

A California priest is facing charges for allegedly having sex with a woman he was religiously advising.

Jacob Bertrand, 32, was charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree for allegedly having sex with the Minnesota woman in 2010, according to a complaint obtained by NBC Los Angeles.

Bertrand, who is a priest at the Diocese of San Diego, also allegedly paid the woman to keep her from talking about their relationship.

The complaint, which was filed in the County of Dakota in Minnesota, alleges that Bertrand and the woman met in 2009 while they were studying in Rome.

After they moved back to the US, Bertrand allegedly had sex with her while she was seeking religious advice from him, NBC reported.

In 2009, the two flew to Minnesota, where they allegedly stayed with the woman's relatives.  

The complaint also claims that two sexual encounters took place on that trip, including one in her parent's basement while he was performing mass, NBC reported.

He then allegedly told the woman that what happened was 'so mystical' that no one should know about it.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... t-relationship.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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