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1)During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.
2)Bill Clinton steadfastly refuses to give any speeches at local churches.
3)Both major political parties are dominated by anti-Christians. The Republican party, for example, gave us such hardcore atheists as Pat Buchanan, Dan Quayle, Phyllis Schlafly and Ronald Reagan. And the Democrats have given us such personalities as the Rev. Martin Luther King and the Rev. Jesse Jackson both noted for their vicious attacks on all forms of Christianity
4)Robby Berry
During a recent exchange of flames and frivolity on a local Usenet group. osu.opinion, a newsgroup available only to students of Ohio State University, somebody made the observation that America was an "anti-Christian" society. As an atheist, I am well-aware of the extent to which religion, especially Christianity, permeates our society. As a result, I found this claim difficult to believe. As I was in a playful mood at the time, I decided to debunk his claim in a somewhat roundabout manner.
The response to the article was fairly good, and one person asked me to repost it to alt.atheism, which I did. Response there was even better, and one person even sent me some additional items to add to the list. I then decided to make this a "collaborative rant" by taking suggestions for items to add to the list. Eventually, I had to turn the list over to somebody else, due to the lack of spare time brought about by the birth of my son Jonathan. The list was maintained by Jeffery Jay Lowder for a while, but he too is now suffering from a lack of spare time. New items for the list are no longer being accepted
5)During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.
原帖由 Guest from 123.202.227.x 於 2008-10-7 11:40 發表
1)During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.
2)Bill Clinton steadfastly refuses to give any speeches at local chur ...

sorry , any source ??

sorry for late reply , busy

any way , ThANK ye

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
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