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Coz compare to the Catholics, the communists are charitable enough not to kill 90% of the Christian population everywhere on earth, and then put the rest into mercury mines at gun point giving them only coca leaves for food. Also, there was never a 200 years ban on Christianity anywhere on earth. That's pretty obvious.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 11:38

The Aztecs worhshipped, beside the Sun God,  a dozen of god and goddesses.
To name a few:

Many of them demanded human sacrifices.
How many lifes would have lost to the worship of these gods and goddesses throughout the Aztec Empire?

You say right, it had to pull down a lot of things in order to remove such a wrongful worship.

the communists are charitable enough not to kill 90% of the Christian population
I see you have been fooled by the statement in the article:
安的列斯島原有三百萬 印第安人, 1514 年減至 14000 人,最後只剩下 200 人。
It doesnt mean a genocide must have taken place. People just moved out of that place.
There are a lot of ghost town everywhere on earth where prosperity does not flourish any more.

It was also illogicl for the priests to kill all the people. Where no people existed any more, who was left to be preached?

You should have a better thought on that.
Again, getting rich doesn't make a prostitute a moralist. With hundreds of years of religion and state hunt down of prostitution, drugs and gangs, all three still flourish like nobody's business - that's more like what we should ask why the "lesser" religion can't achieve

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 11:38

This only suggests that SIN always accompanies human kind.....until the Judgement Day.
This has already been told in the Bible, so nothing new and special.
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/19 13:03 編輯
Please don't fool people by trying to make Chinese christians looking low with a low percentage fi ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 12:46

So what? China is the second largest economy in the world, but no one will say Chinese are rich - there are like 1.4 billion of them sharing the same wealth.
There are also enough wiccas in US (750k) to fill up downtown Boston (~600k), you aren't ever gonna say the wicca religion is back in the picture ever will you?

Proportion matters - with big enough of a population the same proportion of stupidity will surely grow with the population size - it doesn't matter as much as long as it's still small relative to the rest of the population.

Maybe it is indeed a true statement that the only thing that matters to you is whether it's Christian Catholic.
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/19 13:26 編輯
The Aztecs worhshipped, beside the Sun God,  a dozen of god and goddesses.
To name a few:
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 12:47

    Flat wrong, the "Indian"/indigenous population of the entire America with a conservative estimate of 30million, declined 80% within 30 years from 1492, without a massive fleet of sea going ships to ferry enough people back to Europe for slavery, there people are disappearing into nowhere but some disgusting death.

And as for genocide - even in the 20th century the Canadian Indian residential school system still violates the UN Genocide Convention attempt by force placing Aboriginal children into, oh, Christian-run schools for assimilation - but then of course Christians won't care about that because they were not the victims.

And honestly, no English speakers would ever go around and say "you say right" ... that sound completely Cantonese.

This only suggests that SIN always accompanies human kind.....until the Judgement Day.
This has al ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 12:48

    And this statement by itself only shows that you have no capability to investigate a phenomena except from the perspective your self-righteousness belief of whatever ancient people (?)  wrote in the book you read - which might be why you really sounded pretty similar to the people who have done the Holocaust.
Proportion matters - with big enough of a population the same proportion of stupidity will surely grow with the population size - it doesn't matter as much as long as it's still small relative to the rest of the population.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:02

Figures showed that in 1949, there were 500,000 baptized christians out of 450 million people in China. When China opened to the west since 1980s, christians rosed to 70000000. So, Chinese are increasingly stupid in spite of the prosperity.

It is also estimated that by two more generations, China could turn into a christian country.
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/11/19 13:50 編輯

No one on earth told you that increasing number of stupid people necessarily lead to imminent destruction of the country - all you need is an equal proportion of a surge in numbers of people who are genuinely smart and capable - that's how that little country called United States survived despite of millions of dirt-poor, good-for-nothing-but-shooting-people-in-their-farms evangelicals - it's also the country that retains the most number of hard-science scientists, most of which are extremely secular.

And that estimate usually assumes an indefinite amount of growth in baptism in the same, near exponential rate - an assumption likely to be taken by evangelicals who want to think they indeed can turn China Christian - but then if they really did, good luck for that poor country, it has even littler resource and academic legacy to waste than the US...

Did that exponential growth rate really work? well, after the 70million number of 1980s, the 2002 CIA estimate of Christians including unregistered believer goes to ... oh, 40-100 million. yeah, sounds like it works...
    Flat wrong, the "Indian"/indigenous population of the entire America with a conservative estimate of 30million, declined 80% within 30 years from 1492, without a massive fleet of sea going ships to ferry enough people back to Europe for slavery, there people are disappearing into nowhere but some disgusting death.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:24

You put all the blame for the decrease in population to the executions by the Spanish.
People disappeared just because they were shipped out, as you have mentioned.
People died being exposed to new virus like smallpox and cowpox brought in by the Spanish.
People fled into the forest to escape wars, so they could not be counted.

'People disappearing into nowhere' would mean just victims of killing to you?
And that estimate usually assumes an indefinite amount of growth in baptism in the same, near exponential rate - an assumption likely to be taken by evangelicals who want to think they indeed can turn China Christian - but then if they really did, good luck for that poor country, it has even littler resource and academic legacy to waste than the US...

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:44

We do not live that long to see that.
The math tells us so.
You put all the blame for the decrease in population to the executions by the Spanish.
People disa ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 13:53

    Except, there will be no such thing as a genocide on the planet if people would see execution as the only form of genocide.

I would bet if the world rage wars on every Christian nation, slaughter their people, destroy their public hygiene system and get the rest into an environment where they will be infected by disease like black death or ebola or something, the Christians like you would be the first among people to jump up and say this is genocide.

Again, if you want to convince people that you would care about anything other than whether it's Christian, you might as well try harder.
I would bet if the world rage wars on every Christian nation, slaughter their people, destroy their public hygiene system and get the rest into an environment where they will be infected by disease like black death or ebola or something, the Christians like you would be the first among people to jump up and say this is genocide.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:57

Are you saying that the Spanish were bringing smallpox and cowpox into Latin America on purpose?
Was it a set up to bring the Empire down?
I do not see the Spanish knowingly bring the virus to cause devastating loss of the indigenous population.
I would bet if the world rage wars on every Christian nation, slaughter their people, destroy their public hygiene system and get the rest into an environment where they will be infected by disease like black death or ebola or something, the Christians like you would be the first among people to jump up and say this is genocide.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:57

I have no interest to argue with you base on an imagined picture in your stupid mind.
Again, if you want to convince people that you would care about anything other than whether it's Christian, you might as well try harder.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/19 13:57

And honestly , I do not quite understand what you would trying to say in the above passage, not because I am not true English speaking.
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/19 15:48 編輯


伏爾泰的文斯巧妙一些, 稱做洗劫

係人都知16, 17世紀殖民地擴張是侵略所為,
在拉丁美洲是, 在亞洲也是.
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/19 15:54 編輯
係人都知16, 17世紀殖民地擴張是侵略所為,
在拉丁美洲是, 在亞洲也是.
也不是新發現 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 15:41

指著別人的鼻子, 自己卻不照鏡子
本帖最後由 Login 於 2010/11/19 21:07 編輯

回復 25# beebeechan
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/19 21:41 編輯

  大約在那個時候,一位西班牙的征服者聽到謠傳,在南端很遠處有一個大帝國,建築物覆蓋著黃金,人們的富有超乎想像,於是,1532年皮薩羅率領26O個傭兵抵達秘魯海岸。他帶著62名騎兵和198名步兵登陸,登上安第斯山脈,前進至印加的卡哈馬卡城,並求見印加帝國皇帝。印加皇帝來到卡哈馬卡城,以為只是與訪客和平的會面,但皮薩羅卻挾持他和隨從以要求贖金,數星期之後獲得了兩個房間多的銀子和一個房間多的金子。(以今日金塊和銀條的價格而言,超過6 000萬美元。)




  1525年,最後一個印加皇帝Wayna CaPac和他的兒子、繼承者及其他大部分家庭成員均死于天花。權力真空及社會、人口的大崩潰,致使皮薩羅在7年後來到這裏時,對抗他的,只剩這一度強大的文明所留下的弱馬殘兵

指著別人的鼻子, 自己卻不照鏡子
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/19 15:52

小心有人故意俾塊鏡你照, 等你看不清真相咋。

我個樣雖然不是天下第一靚模, 都不至如此「驚嚇」罷。
  大約在那個時候,一位西班牙的征服者聽到謠傳,在南端很遠處有一個大帝國,建築物覆蓋著黃金,人們的富 ...
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/19 21:39

看來你是不懂, 不能, 無力討論耶?
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/19 22:29 編輯
回復  beebeechan
Login 發表於 2010/11/19 20:08

那印加民族殺光四周的小民族, 這條數需不需要算?
因為沒有一個傳教士德拉斯卡薩斯(B. de las Casas)詳盡地記下來, 所以....不用算了?

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