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原來問AI嘢, 要好似老婆對老公逼供咁樣步步進逼
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
what is the population of christianity
According to recent estimates, Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world, with a total population of approximately 2.4 billion people. This includes Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants. However, it's important to note that the population of Christianity can vary depending on the source and methodology of estimation.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
AI 當然會根據更update更準確的統計, 唔通leefeng會叻過AI

現時基督教和伊斯蘭教的信徒數目同為24億, 在歷史上伊斯蘭教的增長率比基督教快多少




Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
24億唔係好勁啫, 基督教拿埋都有啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
就埋你嘅數據又點話, 我個人都算易話為
伊斯蘭教成立於公元610, 基督教成立於公元30年, 假設現時伊斯蘭教人口19億, 基督教人口24億, 何者增速快?快多少



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
你覺得難係因為你信德唔夠大啫, 耶穌話唔知咩咩好似芥子,明日大嶼都可以一條友噏幾句嘢搞掂......
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
同埋你成日discourage人, 咁就對於教會的增長非常之倒米啦.我明明都爭信㗎啦, 你又話我乜話我密, 又soul又spirit整到我frustrated, 覺得自己not deserved信主
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
你又喺度亂鳩咁噏, 邊度有discourage條靚仔,叫佢沽家產咋嘛, 只要佢好似我咁諗住欣然接受咁咪得囉, 我係好明白責任之道信乜㗎, 係你自己信德唔好, 帶壞埋我
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
起跑線上人口差唔多, 阿拉伯半岛人口可能少一啲添, 但係人哋讓賽遲600年起跑, 咁都畀佢追到

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
貴教雖然離教較容易, 唔準許用蔣介石佩劍, 但是你哋寧願紮炮都唔肯多多生仔

伊斯蘭離教咁難, 但係啲穆斯林兄弟唔理自己幾窮,都搏命出仔獻給阿拉, 先係真正有心

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
要他們過了12歲, 有足夠自我判斷能力,  ...
beebeechan 發表於 2023/2/25 10:36

我就懂, 我都係咁樣對Susanna.
佢第一日上工,我就伸隻手入去衫領嗰度摷摷摷, 然後同佢講 “不算是完成整個領摷過程”
要妳過了22歲, 有足夠自我判斷能力, 要自願搞我「堅振 」性事...才是完成。
回覆 95# beebeechan

點解12歲堅振?因為菊花開, 開燦爛?
beebeechan 發表於 2023/2/25 11:59

"回教國家出生的嬰孩便是回教徒, 無得話唔制。"
天主教既聖水, 真係加入了少許聖鹽架喎
beebeechan 發表於 2023/2/26 10:45

唔怪之得啦, 我哋雙劍合璧, 終於找到神父嗜好嘅來源啦
嚟自猶太人傳統...男仔12歲有成人禮....耶穌12歲就係會堂讀經, 教班經師。
大個仔哩...做野自己負責 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2023/2/26 10:17

所以死唔死呀, 咁就睇得出天主教一知半解,逢西都舐
人哋猶太仔嘅成人禮Bar Mitzvah係13歲, 猶太妹成人禮Bat Mitzvah12歲, 所以天主教姊妹就係自願信, 你就唔係
AI 都識得道歉同埋多謝我, 你呢?

Why jesus teaches at age 12
According to the Christian Bible, Jesus is said to have been born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth. When he was 12 years old, he and his parents went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival. After the festival, Jesus stayed behind in the temple to listen to the teachers and ask them questions. The teachers were amazed at his understanding and knowledge of the scriptures.

The reason why Jesus was able to teach at such a young age is not fully explained in the Bible. However, it is believed that Jesus was born with divine knowledge and wisdom, as he is considered to be the Son of God in Christianity. In addition, it is possible that Jesus had been studying the scriptures since he was a child, and had a deep understanding of them at a young age.

It is also worth noting that in Jewish tradition, boys typically began studying the Torah at the age of 5, and by the age of 12, they were expected to have a solid foundation in the scriptures. This may have contributed to Jesus' ability to understand and teach the scriptures at a young age.

But Bar Mitzvah is at age 13 for boys
You are correct, thank you for pointing that out. The Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzvah typically takes place when a boy turns 13 years old, not 12 as I mentioned earlier.

At this age, a Jewish boy is considered to have reached the age of religious maturity and is now responsible for observing the commandments and Jewish law. During the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, the boy is called up to the Torah and recites a portion of the weekly reading in front of the congregation, demonstrating his understanding and ability to fulfill his religious obligations.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my earlier response. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
之前穆斯林人口24億唔係我講㗎喎, 係ChatGPT衰。可能因為佢根據穆斯林聯盟的報告, 同其他統計來源有偏差


我頭先再問, 佢咁講:
As of 2021, the estimated global Muslim population is around 1.9 billion people, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity.

Why you told me it is 2.4 billion 2 days ago?

以下就係答案, 含ChatGPT對你道歉
現在我正式轉發給你, 我強調係轉發。
人工智能之所以係智能, 係佢道歉之餘, 最後嗰句都唔會唔記得串下你

"I apologize for the confusion. The Muslim population was approximately 2.4 billion as of my last knowledge cutoff on September 2021. However, the population is constantly changing and growing, so the number may have increased since then. According to the Pew Research Center's projections, the Muslim population is expected to reach 3 billion by 2060."

我冇問你要apology或要多謝, 我係問人哋咁咁咁, 你點呢?

個答案你係可以自由發揮嘅, 我冇規定你點答, 講心嘅啫
我不否認我希望你比埋個「心」, 但你唔畀我都睇得開嘅。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Back to the future 又夠好多樣嘢靈驗, 可能叻過聖經㖭
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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