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回復 #3 hund 的帖子

我同意呀!就以我為例,我當uwants係雜貨舖,得閒上去搵野下載架乍!邊會得閒慢慢click入面D野黎睇?係想認真討論宗教野o既,梗係黎呢度啦!揀uwants o既,唔係蠢,就係逃避現實,何必理會?
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #5 抽刀斷水 的帖子

噢......... 最好提下人地,睇完呢D野之後過黎我地呢邊過濾下,解下毒先,咁先至係心理平衡呢。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.
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