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[腦殘白痴] 行政總裁撐同性婚姻 港部分教徒籲罷買星巴克

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

office boy放假, lunch個陣去buck記想買杯Mocha®, 點知條蛇餅長到想gave up.
但為了支持同性婚, 我終於以無比耐性排了15分鈡隊

而且特別買多件muffin, 放工帶番去畀老婆。我好有心思地在垃圾桶執番尋日 second cup 嘅紙袋換咗包裝, 於是, 佢食咗反基 muffin都唔知!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 4# 抽刀斷水

回覆 6# beebeechan

唔會。我嘴尖, 食得出
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 10# beebeechan

係你新聞觸覺未夠囉, 又係慌濟促成阿根娶gay佬之類嘅笑話?好心您唔好引人笑啦。您笑大我個口都唔緊要, 但有些女版友畀您搞到個口好似Julia Roberts咁, 就好陰公咖嘛

樓上link之標題係"事主東主齊現身澄清, 口腔出現的水泡未能證實是否真的是被「一滴香」污染"
滴滴香就唔禁, 滴滴香係滴滴都好香咁解,中药黎咖嘛。主治消痰,下气,软坚,行水。治胸中痰结,胁下胀满,咳喘,呃逆,唾如胶漆,心下痞鞕,噫气不除,大腹水肿。好啱您添。

一滴香就唔同嘞. 一滴香係一滴就香咁解。您條link係Guelph大学嘅關於代糖資料, 關加拿大食物及藥物條例叉事咩?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
今日可以證實當今之世冇咩人信基督教。教徒罷買的星巴克今日公佈業績, 營業額上升10%至38億, 尤其是亞洲業務增長達28%, 每股盈利上升至5亳7, 符合預期。

自教友宣佈罷買以來, SBUX股價一直緊貼all time high 的$61高位, 罷買反而鞏固了上升軌, looks like短期內創新高, 一年目標價65.5

基督教的影響力, 簡直連條毛都冇

Stock recommendations and comments presented on this thread are solely those of the analysts and experts quoted. They do not represent the opinions of 沙文 on whether to buy, sell or hold shares of a particular stock.
Investors should be cautious about any and all stock recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock selection. Various factors, including personal or corporate ownership, may influence or factor into an expert's stock analysis or opinion.
All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

收$62.19, 基督徒罷買星巴克, 係幫公司sift out無品味顧客, 對星巴克品牌形象提昇之裨益甚大。

Stock recommendations and comments presented on this thread are solely those of the analysts and experts quoted. They do not represent the opinions of 沙文 on whether to buy, sell or hold shares of a particular stock.
Investors should be cautious about any and all stock recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock selection. Various factors, including personal or corporate ownership, may influence or factor into an expert's stock analysis or opinion.
All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
今日收64.25   up 0.42 (0.66%)

實不相瞞, 近日小號生意拍烏蠅。

原來基督教愈罷買生意則愈旺, 唔該教友們杯割敝公司啦, 我都係支持同性婚姻咖
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

昨日我剛呼籲教徒杯割敝公司, 今日即刻有project上門。

雖然只係洽談階段, 但對方都唔見有冇米粥Syndrome, 點都好過拍烏蠅。基督教係咪真係罷咩就旺咩咁神化呢?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Hahaha, 教徒繼續杯葛, sbux繼續升
雙尾人魚哭哭 反同婚團體倡拒喝星巴克

不過$80有resistance, 希望教會再加幾分力度抔葛
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
終於明白点解starbucks咁好生意, 原來污鬼同驅魔人都捧場
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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