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您自己都話阿穌有非洲裔版啦 (2樓)

阿穌未割包皮嗰陣時, 已受非洲文化薰陶

太2:14        約瑟就起來、夜間帶著小孩子和他母親往埃及去.
太2:15        住在那裡、直到希律死了.這是要應驗主藉先知所說的話、說、『我從埃及召出我的兒子來。』

埃及同衣索比亞very close, 因此學埋非洲文化
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 09:31

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆  beebeechan

都係叫做circumcise啫, 冇分男女
And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they c ...
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 09:15


http://jdstone.org/cr/files/gene ... us-was-a-woman.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 21# beebeechan

都係叫做circumcise啫, 冇分男女
And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child.
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 08:02


你去割粉瘤, 醫生同你割左睪丸咪大檸樂?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆  beebeechan

    起碼我知道猶太仔要13歲先成年, 而您就以為阿穌12歲成年, 即係您都承認阿穌係女仔 ...
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 07:47

耶穌係女人, 咁係約旦受洗時, 
一濕水就現形, 好難呃架啵,

回覆  beebeechan

    起碼我知道猶太仔要13歲先成年, 而您就以為阿穌12歲成年, 即係您都承認阿穌係女仔 ...
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 07:47

司祭割jerjer 時摷唔到野架啵
回覆 16# beebeechan

    起碼我知道猶太仔要13歲先成年, 而您就以為阿穌12歲成年, 即係您都承認阿穌係女仔啦, 猶太妹就係12歲成年嘅
回覆  beebeechan
您有興趣用猶太佬個屎窟諗嘢啫, 我冇喎
但可惜猶太仔幾歲成年您又噏錯, 您個屎窟又唔够 ...
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 06:54

回覆 14# beebeechan
您有興趣用猶太佬個屎窟諗嘢啫, 我冇喎
但可惜猶太仔幾歲成年您又噏錯, 您個屎窟又唔够猶太
又唔東得哂, Jerusalem's ancient City of David, 算係近東啫
沙文 發表於 2016/3/10 06:03

又唔東得哂, Jerusalem's ancient City of David, 算係近東啫
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

JERUSALEM- A team of archaeologists discovered artifacts near the wall in Jerusalem's ancient City of David that not only shows evidence that Jesus actually existed, but that "he" was a female. The amazing discoveries make it, not only the earliest known evidence for Jesus, but reveals that Jesus was actually a girl.

Carbon dating puts the artifacts at around 30 A.D. which makes this the earliest known evidence for an historical Jesus.

Zahi Mazar, the head of the Institute of Biblical Archaeology at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and the leader of the dig, exclaimed, "We are amazed!," noting that a painting, a brass relief, and a cylinder object were found in the dig that is actually from a contemporary period, made during the life of Jesus. "It was something we did not plan on," Mazar said.

In describing the painting, Ephraim Balzar, a professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University, depicted the mural as, "Jesus with flowers in her hair, wearing a pearl necklace and a beaded anklet (ankle bracelet). And note Christ wearing the red lipstick." Also in the painting, "you can see a vertical ichthys that had a special meaning in ancient religions."

Ichthys is Greek for fish, and is represented by two intersecting arcs, commonly known today as the Christian Fish symbol. The Ichthys symbol was commonly depicted by pagans in a vertical fashion to represent the vagina, a symbol of the Great Mother' entrance to the womb. "You have to realize," Balzar said, "that the first Christians were pagans. And since they met and saw Jesus, they certainly would have known if she was a girl or not."

The painting also shows another woman, a worshiper or a secret lover, kneeling before the virgin Jesus about to pull a string that would open Christ's robe that would expose her naked body. This suggests that Jesus might have been a lesbian, but still a virgin because lesbians were not considered a threat to virginity.

The dirty little secret in Christian history is that Jesus has, many times, been shown as a woman. "This is no secret to the early Catholic priests," says Balzar. "In fact, Jesus as been reinterpreted as Mary, Christ's mother, to avoid the embarrassing consequences to Catholic congregations," said Balzar. "The virgin Mary is actually the virgin Jesus," claims Balzar, "and probably a lesbian."
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

Female Jesus by Wayne Robson
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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