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回覆 3# 抽刀斷水

回覆 5# beebeechan

現今Distance education以online進行, 唅售咁out嘅嘢您留番自
回覆 7# 抽刀斷水

大綱咁唔全面, 我比較難開口問校長
可唔可以畀餐晏仔細佬食下, 酌量加入〈聖經錯謬補遺學〉?
中國反基督史、反基文學、反基督與藝術 係faculty of arts嘅課程
反基督與共產主義 係 faculty of social science
反基督與科學 係 faculty of science
反基督與互聯網 係 computer engineering

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 14# 抽刀斷水

我就係貪佢嘅身份 - 佢驚住畀人話係因為佢自己嘅宗教立場所以turn down我, 焗住都要應承
回覆 14# 抽刀斷水

我係咁意提一提, 佢竟然驚到劈炮唔撈.....








29 April 2016

Dear colleagues, students and alumni,

It was nearly six years ago when I assumed the position of Vice-Chancellor of CUHK on 1 July 2010. In 2014, a year before I completed my five-year term, the Council Chairman discussed with me the renewal of my appointment as Vice-Chancellor. At that time, I expressed to the Council my strong desire to resume my teaching and research duties as Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics on a full-time basis as soon as possible, whilst willing to dedicate and commit myself to continue to serve as Vice-Chancellor for a further period. I am deeply grateful to the Council for its understanding and support, and for approving my re-appointment as Vice-Chancellor for a shorter term that will expire on 30 June 2018. The Council also agreed that the process of searching for my successor should begin in mid-2016. As soon as a new Vice-Chancellor is ready to report to duties, I shall step down to enable the new Vice-Chancellor to take office, even before my term ends if needs be. I believe the Council will soon initiate the search process according to its planned timeline.

After relinquishing the Vice-Chancellorship, I plan to take a sabbatical overseas before I embark on my new journey of research and clinical work, and I wish to focus on cancer research in particular. Forgive me for making a point, once again, on a question I am often asked: I am not interested in assuming any political office. All I wish to do in future is to fulfil my longstanding passion as a teacher, researcher and clinician.

I am very pleased that the Council has nominated Dr. Norman Leung as the next Chairman of the Council, and that the Chancellor has approved his appointment to take effect from 1 May 2016. I am absolutely confident that, with his extensive experience and network, as well as his knowledge in and dedication to higher education, Dr. Leung will lead the University and take it to new heights. In the meantime, I pledge to continue to serve CUHK, together with the Chairman and all members of the Council, and the University management, to the best of my abilities.

I sincerely hope that all of you will continue to give your full support for, and contribute to, the further development of our beloved CUHK.

With my personal best wishes,

Joseph J.Y. Sung
Vice-Chancellor and President
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