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Les Misérables

Victor Hugo嘅〈悲惨世界〉有咁嘅情節, 牧師收留條友, 條友就偷咗教會嘅銀器走佬, 畀人捉到帶佢返案發現場重組案情, 但牧師話銀器係佢送嘅, 放佢一馬。因此大家都覺得gay督教真夠騾氣!

賺人熱淚, 我都幾乎畀佢呃到。但可惜只係小說創作, 悲惨世界始終敵不過現實世界。


係呀, 社会咁穩定, 全靠無論耶唔耶教, 條友都得到不予起訴嘅大恩
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
算啦算啦,WWII就唔計啦。在長期的輿論壓力後, 妖酋話佢知錯lu喎

Vatican Gives Formal Apology for Inaction During Holocaust
真係唔話佢都唔得, 聖教会哩個咁曳曳嘅組織, 睇小眼都唔得, 請旁觀者網友繼續監察聖教会, 勞苦功高,奸爸爹
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 8# 抽刀斷水
其實係啱啱調轉 - 社会穩定, 聖教会先会咁得閒理下您。社会唔穩定嗰陣聖教会都自顧不暇啦
聖教会用來施捨嘅錢, 係OPM黎嘛, 唔係聖教会自己嘔出來。市道唔好嗰陣, 只能用來保證神職人員嘅飯缽, 所以, 窮鬼生存嘅priority不可能高過神父牧師。若然神父牧師餓死咗, 咁边個負責施粥呢?一定係先穩定咗聖教会先講其它
其實戰時做医院係比較著數嘅。根据日內瓦公約交戰各方都唔准炸医院, 所以教會比較鈡意經營医院, 就係咁解。
和平時, 就開孤兒院玩:
孤兒大個仔後個個成才 - 精通口技, 無與倫比
戰則獨善其身, 和則兼賤天下
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
主教又善用善款做善事, 等我攞下福利先,您繼續捐錢啦多多益善

[url=http://www.christianpost.com/news/vicar-of-baghdad-andrew-white-suspended-from-charity-over-buying-back-sex-slaves-from-isis-165857/]Vicar of Baghdad' Andrew White Suspended From Charity Over Buying Back Sex Slaves From ISIS[/url]
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
beebeechan 發表於 2016/7/2 09:14


Guest from 188.166.227.x 發表於 2016/7/2 11:24

咁又唔係, 好多連扮都費事
http://bishop-accountability.org ... DBbylastName-J.html
其實,"世界大亂"已經唔係 literally 解釋。若照 literal解, 什么老豆同仔互劈、母女互片、婆媳互相刻薄, 婆婆媽媽一大串, 都只能是家庭倫理大悲劇。

"世界大亂" 己是將"家婆刻薄新抱"升呢成大型戰爭片的figurative sense
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
统計係大概相等嘅。如此看來, 講句公道話, 耶教都相當公道。
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. 以上就係世人要耶教慈善事業所付出嘅代價。其實任何嘢都係等價交換, 邊鬼度有得送咖?

因為佢地有時失咗預算, 每當需索超過慈善事業嘅時候, 就要另外畀錢啦。

設每當耶教付出X個叉燒包, 同時插Y個/次細路屎窟, 並不会影响您對耶教嘅評價
咁, 當您將細路屎窟的個/次數值Y定得低於X,您就會認為耶教做緊善事

您認為耶教咁慈善, 其實係因為您覺得細路屎窟好cheap啫
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我冇咁講, 我話極少數神職人員做壞事都冇乜所謂, 無論佢地插幾多屎窟, 只要求其做下濟貧樣, 您就話very good.

其實, 若然煩帝肛真係有心濟貧,  Teresa老母駛乜特登擺出一副窮酸相?大家知唔知聖教会一年刮幾銀?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
啱啱多過您尐毛咁啦, 嫌少咩?出年刮多尐, 恭喜發財
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
這個吉尼韋弗‧切納德, 從未到過印度, 
beebeechan 發表於 2016/7/4 08:02

連佢嘅passport您都checked過, 您條契弟喺csis做咖?
回覆 47# beebeechan

哦, 同樣思維,
您去過印度自由行, 但係唔見吉尼韋弗‧切納德,就以為佢從未去過印度
車, 佢冇去加爾各答, 唔係冇去印度蝸
呢排機票減價, 您要再check check先可以斷定
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
見過研究係冇錯, 咁咪飛機都打到咯
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
其實, 科學研究根本唔駛去當地嘅

NASA又夠成日研究啦, 下下都話實地考察? 唔得閒就唔駛去, 科學界都話OK

同subject距離太近, 反為不美。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Remote surgery都興咗一段時間啦
您下次benign prostatic hyperplasia都可以咁医
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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