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The Catholic Church has apologized for its role in Rwanda’s 1994 genocide

In the spring of 1994, violence erupted in Rwanda after a plane carrying then president Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down. Thousands of ethnic Tutsis, a minority group who became a target after Habyarimana’s death, sought refuge in the country’s Catholic and Protestant churches.
Hutu militia surrounded the churches, shooting into the crowd, throwing grenades into the building, and killing those inside with machetes. According to witness accounts, many died at the hands of priests, nuns, and clergymen. “More Rwandese citizens died in churches and parishes than anywhere else,” the group African Rights, wrote in an account of the violence in 1995.
More than two decades later and several calls for an apology, the Catholic Church in Rwanda has apologized for its role in the genocide that claimed the lives of more than 800,000 lives, one tenth of Rwanda’s population, local representatives from the Church have apologized.
“We apologize for all the wrongs the church committed. We apologize on behalf of all Christians for all forms of wrongs we committed. We regret that church members violated [their] oath of allegiance to God’s commandments,” the Conference of Catholic Bishops said in a statement that was read aloud in Rwandan parishes during Sunday services on Nov. 20.
“Forgive us for the crime of hate in the country to the extent of also hating our colleagues because of their ethnicity. We didn’t show that we are one family but instead killed each other.”
The Church, which has been under pressure to acknowledge its role, stopped short of admitting any complicity with government forces who planned and carried out attacks against the Tutsis. While critics have accused local level Church officials of planning and carrying out the violence, the Church’s national leaders have mostly been blamed for inaction (pdf, p 166)–not doing enough to protect those seeking shelter. The Vatican has also been accused of sheltering Rwandan clergymen that were involved in the killings.
“We know that there are church members who played a role in the genocide, killed people and looted their properties. What we don’t agree with is that the church itself played a role in the genocide,” said bishop Philippe Rukamba, chairperson of the Catholic Episcopal Conference of Rwanda.
http://qz.com/842332/rwanda-fina ... -its-genocide-role/
Catholic Church of Rwanda向版友道歉唔得咩?要問過您批准嘅咩?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
今次出最高規格lu喎, 算唔算The Catholic Church, 定係妖酋個人身份呢?  天主會唔會饒恕天主教呢? 定係全教入煉獄呢?  陳版友會點樣撐呢?

卢安达大屠杀 教宗恳求上帝赦天主教罪


最后更新 - 2017年3月20日 -09:20


教廷在教宗和卢安达总统卡加米(Paul Kagame)会面后发表声明表示,教宗「传达他及教廷和罗马天主教,对图西族惨遭大屠杀的深沈悲痛」。







http://www.swissinfo.ch/chi/%E5% ... 9%E7%BD%AA/43044622
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁就要陳版友批准我入去'Archivio Segreto Vaticano查閱下有關文件, 點解教宗要咁折墮"asked forgiveness for the role of the Catholic Church during the Rwandan genocid"

http://www.newsweek.com/rwandan- ... -paul-kagame-570964
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
究竟"participating in the genocide"當時係包括尐咩?

係逢有一位圖西族人被爆頭, 教友就 講一句Hallelujah贊美主

定係逢親胡塗佬ran dried 一個 mag, 神父就幫手 reload, 修女就 recharge magazine?

又或者圖西細路仔四圍走,  主教就捉住佢要佢企定定, 等胡塗佬容易尐瞄準?「小朋友乖乖地聽主教話唔好四圍走, 您係咁四圍走, 胡塗族叔叔就好難瞄準您個頭咖啦, 屣子彈咖啦!」

如果唔係做咗呢尐嘢, 妖酋又點會叫天主原諒咁犯賤?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
唔會嘅。 嗰次我同隔黎學校班友爭女開片, 校長都冇出黎道歉哩。  唔關佢事就唔會道歉, 實係心有屎先會求天主饒恕天主教。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

爭左人條女又好, 畀人撬又好。總之我叫校長道歉, 佢話:
當日您拆咗嗰位同學祠堂, 你又唔好忘記,佢都打到您流鼻血, 流鼻血嘅也是教會學校學生
點解兩幫同教會既人要咁打法, 咁大牙齒印?

最後, 校長加一段: 若然係我指使嘅, 我心有屎, 您唔叫我都一定道歉,但 依家係您地爭女, 關学校L事?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我行到出校長室門口, 又聽到佢同訓導主任講, 「如果您聽到我因此事求天主饒恕學校, 咁唯一嘅可能就係,根本係我派沙文去爭條女畀我玩嘅!」
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
各位聰明嘅版友不難注意到, 如果净係部份神職人員劈友, 教宗只要求天主饒恕嗰幾位神職人員就得啦, 無需拉聖教會落水。
holocaust 嘅時候, Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Müllerv,Rudolf Hoess 又夠係天主教徒, 教宗都冇求天主饒恕天主教。但黑仔劈黑仔 , 教宗就“implored anew God’s forgiveness for the sins and failings of the Church and its members", 可見其中必有警轟, 先會令教宗嘅內疚同自責來得如此深刻!  

可能唔止係指使, 根本成件事都係教廷策劃, 仲供應軍火, 事後求其督幾條友出來孭鑊, 棄車保帥.....真相, 唔畀我入秘密檔案室查, 净靠睇報紙, 係唔夠嘅。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我係夠 quali, 但係聖教會若然真係光明正大就會3點盡露, 唔駛遮遮掩掩, 後面就睇得. 前面就唔睇得   
"Today permission is granted to consult the documents in the archives up until the end of the papacy of Pius XI (February 1939)."
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁 您仲吹乜七 "檔案一d都唔私掘勒"
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
你唔好咁蠢哩, 好無?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
各位聰明嘅版友由聖教會 policy 就可以睇出其居心何在。 點解要有保密期呢? 到過咗保密期, 真相披露, 當時嘅神职人員都死撚哂啦! 追乜撚嘢究? 您咬我食呀?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
所以您所謂之"檔案一d都唔私掘勒"係幾十年後, 您問嘅 「 羅馬天主教懟冧圖西族,對教會有甚麼益處?」 問得太早,主後2044年再click入黎問過啦, 到時本網 hosting 可能會比而家好小小。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
original copy已被聖教會毀屍滅跡, 整一份假嘅畀佢出書, 跣佢一鑊甘: 嗱! 份文件係流咖, 根本件事係揑造咖咋....
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
在獲得進一步資料之前, let's go back to your question "羅馬天主教懟冧圖西族,對教會有甚麼益處?"

人做某件事, 未必係為益處, 人係有崇高理想嘅, 純粹為咗興趣都得。   

好似佢,咁熱心懟冧猶太佬, 對黨又有甚麼益處?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 39# beebeechan

打開本有點份量的歷史書, 高中, 大專程度架哩,便有討論架。
愛因斯坦在希特拉上台之前已經去咗花旗國, 老蟹都冇權 唔俾佢離開德國哩。

德國佬1939年開始研究原子彈, 同年集中營開始虐待猶太佬, 41年開始才大規模焗死。SS專職查猶太佬家宅, 上溯祖先三代,會唔知猶太佬識整原子彈。      

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