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回復 4# www 的帖子


但係好多爭產cases 就係由婚姻而來, 而且, 就係因為可以攞身家, 先會有人欺騙感情, 誤人(唔知有無誤己...)

如果D人唔知自己的愛人係近親, 一夫一妻制根本無用. 如果D人知道的話, 根本唔一定要一夫一妻制都ok la. 直接話唔可以近親亂倫咪ok lor. 唔駛一夫一妻制咁多餘wor.

如果可以division of labor, 人多D好D. 咁就更應該有多夫多妻制la...

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-29 21:27 編輯 ]

回復 6# prussianz 的帖子

無ar....P兄, 又話對我nice, 又話俾美女我ge...我到而家都未收到wor...

原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-28 09:49 發表

o yes , i'm also very nice , more than your any anticipation , Specially EXtremly in front of thee ,

原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-27 02:28 發表

ThANKs4tips ,

到時我一定帶備佳餚美酒 +美女 來祭 weakest  你's 英靈 , + ,
到時我一定同this美女做 ,,大戏'' 给你看

回復 8# prussianz 的帖子


回復 9# www 的帖子
Sorry, miss out the words "制度的始源"... By the way, the problem of "避免近親亂倫" and "分工合作" is still here: Why those people adopt this indirect way for "避免近親亂倫"? And why not allow more people for "分工合作"? Or the people at that time can't thnk of other possibilities?
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-3-4 12:29 發表

a better choice4thee , live + flesh ,

i'm @ good term with 伍姑娘 , d'u need me 2 introduce thee 2 c my 伍姑娘 ??

係咪先??如果係, 我pm 我的contact都得wor...

回復 14# dye 的帖子

Thanks. By the way, I can't really understand the last diagram. What are the differences between the black and grey lines (in the left hand side)? Are there any differences between the straight line and curves (in the left hand side)? Also, do the circles (some are red in color, some are white in color, and some are red and white) have special meaning?
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