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正野! @@ 陳冠希與阿嬌的新相!

原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-5 22:16 發表
Should the topic be amended? It seems too sensitive...

sorry not , if with-out this topic , then how could this thread attract my patronnage here ??
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-6 19:29 發表
Well........I agree with you 2 that human over-estimate themselves. It seems that noone wants to admit that they are worse than beasts (even if that's the truth), just like in Chinese New Year, people ...

an other piece of something4me2dab in passing this lunar new year , ThANKs ,
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-6 11:49 發表



也許,一直以來,大家都對「人」的評價過分高估,異端審裁所、反猶主義、文化大革 ...

>>>>>>>>> 對這些廿多歲的女孩子來說,要承受的實在過多了。
u mean : ::::: 要承受的[[[[[earning$$$$$$$$$]]]]實在過多了????????? ,

p.s. : : just an other junks from me 4 funs


[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-12 06:43 編輯 ]
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表
呢個世界一隻手掌係拍唔響既,身為公眾人物,既要得到比普通人豐富既生活,又要唔駛面對比普通更重既壓力,我睇唔見世上有咁著數既野.如果因為自己係公眾人物,會唔會應該更小心言行,唔好留有風險壓力俾自己呢?既然條路係 ...

>>>>>>>>> 完[全]會唔用膠袋

nope ,
all governments + semi-governments + NGOs have always been strongly ,,,,,recommending''''
v must use ,,,,,,,,,膠袋''''''''' in 宗教活動 ,

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-7 02:07 編輯 ]
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表
呢個世界一隻手掌係拍唔響既,身為公眾人物,既要得到比普通人豐富既生活,又要唔駛面對比普通更重既壓力,我睇唔見世上有咁著數既野.如果因為自己係公眾人物,會唔會應該更小心言行,唔好留有風險壓力俾自己呢?既然條路係 ...

>>>> 呢件事令諗起前田慶次既兩告詩:
>>>> 若無登九品蓮台之慾
>>>> 亦無墜八萬地獄之罪

besides jokes , ye do have some very food 4 thought which may b classified as ought ,
great !
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表
呢個世界一隻手掌係拍唔響既,身為公眾人物,既要得到比普通人豐富既生活,又要唔駛面對比普通更重既壓力,我睇唔見世上有咁著數既野.如果因為自己係公眾人物,會唔會應該更小心言行,唔好留有風險壓力俾自己呢?既然條路係 ...

>>>> 本就比禽獸更不如,
>>>> 而家所有人既生存,其實都係因為到搶奪另一個人既生存空間而得黎既,

right + not-2[[=too]]-right
right : ::::::::::
your hypothesis could b applied to Christiannity or Islam e.t.c.
not-too-right : ::::::::::
your hypothesis may not b able to be applied to some chinese religions e.t.c.
e.g. : :::::
>>>>>>>>> 新與宗派都主張
>>>>>>>>> 儒、釋、道三教結合。
by 'the way ,
in modern 道taoistic temples , they worship 3 main gods : :::::
'the central [[[[[ i.e. , the most prestigious position ]]]] : :-----> the buddha
'the buddha's right-hand-side [[[[[ i.e. , the next prestigious position ]]]] : :-----> the 孔子
'the buddha's left-hand-side [[[[[ i.e. , the most inferior position ]]]] : :-----> the 老子
please make sure to yourselves that
the religion which-i-m-introducing is 道教 ,
'the central [[[[[ i.e. , the most prestigious position ]]]] to the buddha
makes the old master of all their masters 老子 to b stuck in  the most inferior position
by 'the way , in hk @least , 道教 's been helping 孔教 , vice-versa ,
according hk's
道教's association's free newspaper ,
e.g. : :::::
一貫道 : : 5教合
e.g. : :::::
u can b a buddhist
AND a confucian
AND a taoist e.t.c.
All @ the same time ,
i.e. : :::::::::: unlike Christiannity or Islam e.t.c. Abrahamics religions ,
nothing exclusive

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-7 05:30 編輯 ]
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-13 19:06 發表

Having sex = 不檢點??
Havig sex privately = 不檢點??
How to make having sex to be 檢點? Do it in open area?

呢頭話"這裸照風波對當事人造成心理的嚴重傷害", 果頭不忘就o係臨尾抽水, 話人地"不檢點" ...

>>>> Having sex = 不檢點??
>>>> Havig sex privately = 不檢點??
>>>> How to make having sex to be 檢點? Do it in open area?

an other pin-pointing point ,

o yes ,
having-sex-with-them , then , they'd call this kind of sex-with-them as 檢點
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-14 00:14 發表

he calling u as `````阿弱雞兄'''' , 插佢 la , live on spot , please , i'm watching as witness

原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-13 22:54 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13789&ptid=1443][/url]

回復 23# 的帖子

做世上的鹽,除左污染環境,假如鹽在身上,亦會搞到周身唔舒服,不能 ...
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-13 15:04 發表
2008 / 02 / 12 星期二 21:55      

  陳冠希不雅照風波,也成為香港基督教牧師梁永善傳教佈道的話題。梁永善說,這件事可以用來反思現代人的真愛和婚姻;他也不客氣的質疑陳冠希,說陳雖然以短片認錯,但事發後立刻離開香港 ...

>>>>>>>>> 抽問:如果陳冠希是基督徒,牧師說話的版本又是如何?


原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-14 04:13 發表
Testament:盟約;經:顛鼠與人訂立的盟約,分為:(1)顛鼠與一賜樂業人所訂立的盟約稱為舊約-古經;(2)呢碌為授權人以聖父名義與人類所訂立的盟約稱為新約-新經。testament 也指遺囑(命);約。
http://www.catholic.org.tw/ ...

pk la ,

to-year is year of 鼠 , + , 顛鼠 is also a 鼠 , so , to-year is also year of 顛鼠 ???? ,
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-2-14 20:05 發表


o yes ,

觀世音菩薩 's been being shatterred into pieces many times by them ,
she does still not hate them +
she does welcome them as well
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-22 17:31 發表



sorry , me too ,

官商勾結 ?? , how 官商勾結 ?? which 商 ?? cheers ThANKye


摸西 = Moses ????
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-22 21:52 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=14285&ptid=1443][/url]




版友互相交換閃卡,越來越多版友欣賞過你的魅力和 ...

hi 沙老大 or any 1 else , i'm a expert in 修理 電腦 ,

i could offer my services4free  to u guys , since u'r my dear 同志s
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-22 17:07 發表


市民一面傳閱一面笑呵 ...

those Christian 道德塔利班 指責別人 .........

i suggest : ::::::::::

v issue some press releases publiccly to counter-balance those Christian 道德塔利班 ,
in the name of exChristian.hk ,
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-28 18:56 發表
如果阿陳生未經女方同意就send 相俾人, 阿陳生就唔係好啱. 但係, 淨係"do"野同影相, 似乎係雙方同意, 而且又無影響到人, 我就覺得ok lor. 事實上, D人話阿陳生唔係話佢send 相, 而係話佢"do" 野唔啱lor, 好明顯就係 ...

亦有人話阿Gil. 講"天真和傻"係"講大話"or "唔肯認錯". 但係:
1. 我唔覺得佢地"do"野有錯.
2. 咁D人應該聽得明, "天真和傻"係指有"do"過la. 咁駛唔駛阿Gil.話"我cheap, 我淫蕩, 我賤格...", 再講埋用甚麼post, 用甚麼camera, "do"咗幾耐, ..., 先係"唔講大話", "肯認錯"呢??

thou art 1 of the few people who'r so supportive of 阿Gil. ,
thou art 1 of the few people who'r so understanding 阿Gil. ,

阿Gil may b being pressed to retire herself right now , she should marry herself 2u , , ,
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