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好啦...等我補充一下: 或者不應用"為何基督教兩千年來至今仍屹立不倒?"為題.

沙文兄: 小妹連"焗賭"一詞都唔知點解, 可想而知我並非職業賭徒啦~ 最多打下衛生麻雀.
那個比喻, 都不是小妹原創的, 引用架咋....

So now,
1. people are foolish in this area.
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life
3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變

Thanks aquaticlunar!

老實說沒有基督徒就沒有反基, 這方面實在要感謝基督教

可嘆基督教千年未倒, 我輩應視之為恥!!!

回復 1# 的帖子


呀弱雞兄您唔駛咁心急答佢 -- 佢太心急啦,問得太早。
移鼠大聖升仙之後第一次出現「教會」此詞係亞拿尼亞同佢老婆突然暴斃之後,請職業賭徒小妹提供此事發生之確切日期,以便計算。又或者我地可以寬大一點處理,由移鼠大聖升仙之日作為基督教成立日期,而如果又再寬大啲 -- 以掛臘鴨之日計........

請提供以上所有日期,以便我方開內部會議決定計到邊一日係夠「基督教兩千年來」。您可以慢慢都唔遲,唔駛急 -- 就算由佢投胎之日起計,用7B.C.作為出生日,都尚有至少15年才可以開始討論此題
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 2# 的帖子

"how to define "反基督教/徒"? "並不影響本題的討論--為何仍然有人信基督教.
I just used this to describe the background, and as an introduction.
you can refer them as people or theory or "evidence" opposing the idea of a Christian God.

So, you suggested:
1. people are foolish in this area. (despite how you phrased your sentence....)
2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life

Ideas such as "the world is flat" is regarded as foolish today because you now know that the world is round. But to the people living in the time when scientists hadn't discovered this fact, this idea was not a foolish one. I'd say, only those stubborn folks who refused to accept the likelihood of another shape of the world, were foolish.
This also applies to people believing God today. As no one knows the truth(like in the past people had no idea about the true shape of the world), I think no one can say they are foolish simply because they choose to believe.
btw, I am looking forward to the "evidence" proving the exisitence or non-existence of God, if there is any.
But how to define "反基督教/徒"? In bible, those against Jesus include those believe in the God in 舊經 in bible...

Although there are many smart people in the world, there are also many not so superior in critical thinking. Also, even if a person is smart in general, he/she maybe not so perfect in some other aspects. Some ideas regarded as foolish (e.g. the world is flat) could also "屹立不倒" for many years, before they are refuted.

Also, fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life could be an incentive for people to belief.

By the way, religious choice is somehow a personal matter. Why there are no people conduct an survey about the reason for believing in different religion?

By the way, here's an other question: Why anti-Christianity is still 屹立不倒?
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