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But how to define "反基督教/徒"? In bible, those against Jesus include those believe in the God in 舊經 in bible...

Although there are many smart people in the world, there are also many not so superior in critical thinking. Also, even if a person is smart in general, he/she maybe not so perfect in some other aspects. Some ideas regarded as foolish (e.g. the world is flat) could also "屹立不倒" for many years, before they are refuted.

Also, fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life could be an incentive for people to belief.

By the way, religious choice is somehow a personal matter. Why there are no people conduct an survey about the reason for believing in different religion?

By the way, here's an other question: Why anti-Christianity is still 屹立不倒?

回復 4# 的帖子

原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-17 21:24 發表
呀弱雞兄您唔駛咁心急答佢 -- 佢太心急啦,問得太早。

點得ka? 對女仔要好D ah ma...仲有, 唔駛叫"兄"la. 我年年18歲ka..

回復 3# 的帖子
1. people are foolish in this area. (despite how you phrased your sentence....)

Exactly what I want to say. The lengthy words is not simply phrasing the same statement. They do have different literal meanings.

Ideas such as "the world is flat" is regarded as foolish today because you now know that the world is round. But to the people living in the time when scientists hadn't discovered this fact, this idea was not a foolish one. I'd say, only those stubborn folks who refused to accept the likelihood of another shape of the world, were foolish.
This also applies to people believing God today. As no one knows the truth(like in the past people had no idea about the true shape of the world), I think no one can say they are foolish simply because they choose to believe.

Well......Believing that the world is flat shows that the people are foolish in this sense. The people maybe very smart in many other aspects, but in this, they are foolish in the sense that they choose a wrong believe, by accepting wrong "evidences".

By the way, I believe (without any ground) that God (singular, or plural) exist, but it must not be the Christian God. There is a deductive "evidence": There could not be a "全能"being, as shown in the stone argument (Can God create a stone that he can't lift?)

On the other hand, I think it is something interesting to conduct a survey about. After all, we can't know other's reason in choosing certain religion...

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-17 22:11 編輯 ]
原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-17 22:15 發表


回復 11# 的帖子

咁人地教牧未必係愚蠢先會"「有講強姦,冇講焗賭」"ma. 人地可能只係唔想做賤人jer...
http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... &extra=page%3D1
see post #1

回復 13# 的帖子

咪就係"蠢同賤,係冇conflict嘅"先可以又唔蠢, 又唔賤ma....


回復 16# 的帖子

In fact, for me, even if the smartest person would be sometimes not so smart. The scientists could be not foolish in many times, but they could be foolish in accepting that the world is flat. It is difficult for people to be consistently smart at all times.

  Of course, my interpretation on "foolish" could be debatable...

回復 14# 的帖子
By the way, seeking for "God" could simply be a mean to justify that human are more superior than other observable things. Christianity do suggest that human beings (especially men) are more superior, although 自我貶抑in another sense (that all people are sinner...)

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-17 23:59 編輯 ]

回復 19# 的帖子

But at this time, someone knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the 全能Christian God to exist. Also, the guy who suggest the world is round is regarded as silly at the beginning, by those believing that the world is round... In my view of "foolish", I would say "yes, they are foolish".

By the way, I should make some clarification on my words:
I DON'T think that human beings are superior than other animals personally. What I say is that people want to justify their view that "human beings are more superior than other animals".
  For Christians, it is because "they are made in the image of God." as you said. For others, it may be of other reasons.

See you

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-18 01:04 編輯 ]

回復 24# 的帖子

沙老大, 咁唔得wor. 唔該講o下真正原因la. 要有contribution ar....

回復 29# 的帖子


Jungle Law...

回復 30# 的帖子
我深信沙老大絕對無誤. 你唔好跣佢la. 俾人知道咗佢"幾千年來眼光光睇住"D女穿bikini, 家變都似...

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-18 14:16 編輯 ]

回復 34# 的帖子

我唔係一早投誠咗, 話"我深信沙老大絕對無誤"la mei?
Also, Christianity would provide an incentive for the believers to fulfill the obligations of citizens (e.g. paying tax). "該撒之物歸之於該撒,上主之物歸之於上主"ma...

As such, it provides a useful tool for governents to rule people...

回復 46# 的帖子


It is extracted from post #2. What I mean is that the believers are foolish. Some of them would choose to believe by simply hearing of some (but not sufficient) ideas of Christianity, without careful thought about it.

回復 51# 的帖子

For that point, I refer to some of the believers (especially those who are controlled). If this combines with my point in post #45, would it be a more complete story?

回復 69# 的帖子

Welcome back.

  By the way, would this suggests that this by-product would be eventually be elminiated in long run?

回復 65# 的帖子
我都好想劈埋一份. 第一個答又唔見佢感動...

回復 76# 的帖子

沙老大, 唔駛咁謙wor. 你的努力不懈, 又何只一個post lei?

http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... &extra=page%3D1

回復 94# 的帖子

"To weskest,

Eliminating these by-products is unlikely.  How do parents pass information to their children noise-free?  Sounds impossible to me.

BUT when there is a will, there is a way."

Thanks a lot. By the way, I am curious that if this faculty of "learning" by accepting everything taught of human beings would be elminated by evolution? (as believing in religions could be a by-product of this faculty of learning, would elminating this faculty greatly reduce the number of believers, and thus reduce the number of wars, and thus make human beings more likely to be able to live longer?)

By the way, I have a question about evolution theory. Would this suggests that all beings will be "improved" (by evolution in the sense that the more superior beings would be more and more...) to more and more "high-class" things? Or is it possible for beings to exhibit some circular trend (e.g. from A--->B---->C----->A again)? Sorry for my ignorance in this science matter...

回復 177# 的帖子

"  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?"

What I mean was that, it is reasonable for people to be alert on the Christian belief.
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