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新財政預算案, 綜援人仕, 低收入, 黑工

"- 提供遠低於市價既平租廠房或工業用地,不得作住宅或商業用途,工廠附辦公室不在此限,但不能超過一定比例;"

They already have that in Tung Mun.  The sapce is simply not rented.  (Or rented to be warehouse)

"- 每位入廠做既工友需要於政府資料庫免費登記身份資料及八達通,其登記將只作工業用途,絶對唔會同任何其他商營機構或信貸資料庫通用;如遇八達通遺失,補辦登記將如身份證一樣,手續費為三百大元,扣除行政費後收入歸基金;"

Privacy.  Cynicism.

"- 由政府與各生產械材代理作中介,提出集體機械平價訂購;"

Which machine?  How to determine?

"- 重新開設工業學院既夜間普通文憑課程,並增設職前培訓;"

No one attend before the industry started.  There is some of those already at the moment, I attend at least one of them.

"- 按比例成立廉價日間託兒所及老人暫托中心;"


"131.    有些父母須外出工作或因其他理由,暫時無法照顧家中幼兒。我明白他們的處境,因此建議在未來三年共撥出4,500萬元,加強日間寄養服務,以及推廣不同形式和更具彈性的託兒服務,配合這些父母的需要。"

"- 成立強制性個人勞工保險制度,由政府及廠方平分費用;"

There is an existing insurance policy.

"- 協助工廠通過各種主要的國際標準;"


"- 首五年工廠純利百份之十再投入基金,另百份之五投入有關工業之新技術研究之用;工廠首五年免稅;"


"- 設立中央工業廢水處理;"

There is not enough user.  Where is it suppose to be placed?

"- 如發現任何工廠違規使用政府提供既地方或優惠,全廠器材充公,將工廠交由特派員代理,直至有買家購入,收入歸基金;"

Police state?

"- 每張合約為期五年,每五年再評估是否符合上述要求;"

The factory owner will put that under risk, increase the cost, and will decrease the competitiveness.

"- 開放工業區附近某些地區供小販限時擺賣;"

Risk of fakes and health issue.  Otherwise, the goverment will need to hire much more inspector to do the job.  

The issue here is that the stardard of living in HK has risen.

"- 三間巴士公司於星期一至六提供優惠時段與工友;"
"- 兩間電力公司重新評定工業用電費;"
"- 港鐡於星期一至六提供優惠時段與工友;"


"145.    在去年六月推出的交通費支援試驗計劃,目的是鼓勵居住在屯門、元朗、北區和離島有經濟困難的失業人士和低收入僱員跨區就業。在該計劃下,合資格的申請者可獲600元的求職津貼,以及為期六個月每月600元的跨區交通津貼。

146.    政府在過去數月檢討計劃後,認為應該維持計劃的目的,但可以適度放寬申請人資格和獲津貼期限。有關的放寬措施,包括把入息上限由每月5,600元提高至每月6,500元,把津貼期限由六個月延長至12個月,以及考慮到該四區地域廣闊的情況,容許在原區就業的合資格人士申領這項津貼。

147.    不過,我必須強調,交通費支援試驗計劃的目的,是提供有時限的津貼作為誘因,鼓勵居住在偏遠地區的人士「走出去」尋找就業機會,而非以公帑長期補貼低收入人士的交通費。我認為要幫助較低技術人士增加收入,應該提高他們的教育水平和技能,以協助他們尋找更高增值和工資的工作,並藉此提升社會整體的生產力。"

"b. 所有四肢健全五官齊整,無影響工作能力病痛既綜援者:
- 硬性規定要進入獲資助工廠內工作,保留免費入住公屋資格,取消綜援金;
- 如因工作散慢被廠方解僱三次者,一經查證,即被取消免費公屋;
- 如家庭收入年入超過入息HKD108,000者,即取消免費公屋;"

Beware of abuse from the factory owner.  "If you do not do as I said, I will fire you (and you will be homeless)"

"Do as I said" could well include anything from sex service, to no paid overtime.  Power corrupts.

"c. 容許廠以四比一比例引入外地勞工,外勞需自購個人性勞工保險;"

What if they are "skill" workers?

The problem is HOW to distinguish the population who can work, from those that cannot?  

Will having children to take care of count?
Mental illness?
On a transition from job to job?

As I have a factory in China, here is a hint:

The wage in China for the "workers" you uare talking about is around RMB1k-2k a month(with benefit, 3-4k), for management, it is about 5k a month

The wage of your cleaning worker is about 3k a month, a clerk, at least 6k a month,

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-28 10:10 編輯 ]

回復 2# weakest 的帖子

My econ prof always use real life example.  

The problem here is as my prof said "People are not 'dumb' enough"  There is a greater political presssure for the government to decrease tax in good time.  (In bad time, people look at the goverment red number and cry wastage.)

A mistrust of government is at work.  Do you trust the government to handle so much of YOUR money without corruption, wastage, etc?

Economic used to be a discipline under politics....


I always wonder how they did it in bible when Israel ancester predicted a famine 7 years later and ask the government to store 7 year of food in preparation for it... imagine the tax rate!

As you have study economic, you probably know that the income level from low to high is

Agriculture -> Industry (Manufacture) -> Service

HK government is "trying" to turn HK into a city relying on 3 main service industry
a) Financial service (THe talk about the Islamic fund, for example)
b) Tourism (Hotel tax cut, and giving out land to the industry)
c) Logistic service (New harbour, new bridge, cutting tax on alcohol beverage)

d) (Domestic service like the local supermarket)

Of which, financial service will be high income earner, logistic will be mid income, tourism will suck up everyone else at the bottom.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-28 10:18 編輯 ]
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