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[發問] 檔案加密

原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-29 14:33 發表
用舊D的菲林咪算lor...何必追求科技, 係都要scan lei....

By the way, it is always possible for your computer to be hacked, once it's connected to the internet. What I could do is simply hope that others won't be interested inhacking my computer, or sending me a virus, or interested in my photos,etc... . Therefore, I am not so comfortable in making $$ transaction via internet...

i'm suddennly interrested in thy photoes , doest thou imply thou hast some 自拍 ??
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-1 04:41 發表
1. 將D相print晒出來, 將Dviedo 整晒做D好鬼舊的錄影帶(仲要係電腦睇唔到的). 跟住粉碎(溶咗都ok ge...)D store 過野的電腦 . 將D相同錄影帶收在夾萬入面咪ok lor.

2. 日日都做番果D影低咗 ...

>>>> 跟住粉碎(溶咗都ok ge

how2 粉碎 or 溶 instantly ??
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