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原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-29 21:20 發表
早幾天女友生了點小病,每天下班的時候都給她買點粥.恰巧這兩天集團的老闆在公司開會,每天實在忙得不可開交,幸好職位夠低,才不用去應酬.但下班後皮包裡的隨身硬碟,和那張明天的會議日程,總告訴我別以為自己真的下了班 ...

.0. wow , just  too sweet4me , , after reading thy writing ,
i do need some o' this ----->
.1. ThANKs 4 u still keeping on posting all these days every day


>>>>>>>>> 我對她這個模樣最沒輒,算是我敗好了.



>>>>>>>>> 就站在通風口旁抽抽煙看看明天的日程.看完明天的日程又抽夠煙了

.3.a.  `````在通風口'''' , take care in preventin' from getting caught with cold

.3.b. smoking-too-much or overnighting-too-much may////must harm thy well-being ,
`````都病了怎辦?'''' ;;--^), 都病了怎為對方 ??
.4. `````是不是很感動呢?'''' too 感動4me
>>>> 其實只是小事一樁,但可以不感動嗎?
>>>> 但我感動的卻是兩個人都是只為對方設想,不為對方的什麼,只為對方好.
>>>> 原來一個人的簡單只是天真,
>>>> 但兩個人一起天真卻是一點都不簡單.
一點一點簡單的 romance life story ,
一點都不簡單的 romantic love story ,
>>>> 笑得比窗外的陽光更燦爛和昫
currently , i'm also 笑得比窗外的陽光更燦爛和昫
>>>> 珍惜身邊人的人
please 珍惜身邊人的人 , there4 ,
please 珍惜的health
this of piece of thine , very fine ,
as fine as fine art , thou art fine art ,
as rare as kk-diamonds ware , among all similar works online+offline , needless2mention here
i did not b able to anticipate that thy 書面writing could b also too good for me to catch up as well

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 06:10 編輯 ]
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