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[發問] 佛教是不是一個好宗教? ? ?

回復 77# 訪客得得b 的帖子

In fact, there is a way to 'jam' the signal.  It is used by some dentist when removing a teeth without pain-killer.

The idea is that ''non-pain' signal has priority over 'pain' signal.  The fact that pain and non-pain signal uses the same nerve to transmit the message to therain.

The result is to use a shaking machine that shake at a particular frequency in the mouth, filling all the signal in the mouth with this 'shaking' message.  The 'pain' signal will hence not be felt.  

Other method of nullifying the pain include:

a) physically cut the link
b) inhibit the receptors in the brain (like using coffee to the receptor of tired)
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