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[原創作品] 其實,基督教對人類也算是有一點貢獻的

原帖由 秀雲 於 2008-4-17 20:55 發表


黑社會老大的悔改,吸毒人戒毒......原因太複雜了。宗教只是其 ...

原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-4-19 06:32 發表

>>>>>>>>> (不...認真的)
meanst////mean thou : :::::

.1. ,,,,,不 認真的'''' ?
.2. ,,,,,不! 認真的'''' ?

>It makes people live better at both side.

Seriously, it doesn't... at least, not "necessarily"
However, that being said.
The so high frequency of wars prompted by the church is essentially indisplaceable in their own times - if they relied on trade induced research rather than war, they'll still be crawlling on the ground biting mud for food as cutting edge technology.
It's the crazy determination to kill everyone who stands in the way to victory that made experimental facts (which translates into more effectient killing thus higher survival rate in its vigorous sense) suppresses utterly restricting cultural norms like "we shall burn whoever that says the sun sits in the center", "we shall nail whoever proposes a world without god's interference (Newtonian physics)".

And of course, that's because, thanks to the church which in turn creates this environment, whoever has the guts to adapt the science will have whoever doesn't have the guts to adapt the science crumbled to ground like a piece of crap.

With a trade dorminated (instead of war dorminated) world like this, people are utterly more unlikely to adapt science because it's no longer linked to the immediate survival of the state, thus so much more easily successful are things like fundamentalist or fa-lun-kung or the like. By the way, when will HK people learn that the earth is NOT 6000-year-old and that quantum mechanics DOES have something to do with your life? Maybe never.

It's really only because we finally arrived to the wonderful age when pressing a button can cause the "Christians' long waited ammegeddon" thus we struggle to keep our mouth shut about war so that the fundamentalists can live for another day to speak bull crap.
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