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回復 1# 红孩儿 的帖子

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Thank God for more Killer Earthquakes in idolatrous China.

Thank God for many thousands of evil Chinese killed and injured.

We are praying for many millions more Chinese to be killed and injured in conjunction with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

For many centuries those godless Chinese heathen have worshiped their demon-possessed ancestors who are in Hell by the billions. They have slaughtered many thousands of Christian missionaries who have sacrificed their lives trying to help these ungrateful Chinese. In 1900 in the so-called Boxer Rebellion they mercilessly butchered many hundreds of missionaries and their entire families working with the China Inland Mission (CIM) founded by Hudson Taylor and C.T. Studd. And China has not changed, but will still summarily execute Bible preachers, or put them in concentration camps. God's vengeance is visiting China.

WBC will picket China at the Summer Olympics & tell the onlooking world about their crimes & sins against God, Whose wrath is sending these Killer Earthquakes. GOD HATES CHINA.
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
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