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1. 點解信神就一定要返教會?
2. 點解唔信神就會落地獄? (全球60億人口,咁地獄豈不是會爆晒棚?)
3. 點解一定要將所有野交俾神?


有時不喜歡聖經的人 比起信 聖經的人更會了解聖經

有些不是教徒的人 他的品行更像一個教徒

自身先傲慢 才會覺人很巴閉吧
dragoon 發表於 2008/7/12 00:51

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹


聖經都 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2008/7/12 00:24

To 抽水 :

吓? 識用聖經答就好巴閉?

To 櫻花

如果不信聖經, 一開始就不要信咯?

任何人在某一段時間 ...
Guest from 124.244.169.x 發表於 2008/7/12 00:10

回復 2# 抽刀斷水


支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
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回復 100# 的帖子

---->Is it right to treat your "q" as the abbreviation of "question"? Please correct me if I am wrong...

"life in heaven is NOT an ideal life on Earth. They're absolutely different. You'r still using mortal man's vision to anticipate the world after physical death. When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become high spiritual. Time and space will no time be a limit. You ever heard that a needle's head can hold thousands of angels? that's the concept of spirit. "

------------->So, in the promotion of the faith of Christianity, it should be clearly stated that the "LIFE IN HEAVEN IS NOT IDEAL LIFE ON EARTH" to avoid confusion, especially for those who think "LIFE IN HEAVEN = IDEAL LIFE". Right?

"dont mean to challenge you, and qs related to spiritual things are high encouraged, as we christians are NOT dummies who just receive messages and dont think. but, you should think about the right qs, and, dont challenge the Lord."

------------->1. Why "Dont challenge the Lord"?? This is exactly an important issue to be made clear for one to make rational decision on religious matters.

                    2. By "the Lord", is the term "copyrighted", and can only be solely used by Christianity?

"i think a q that's worth the most thinking is, 'is jesus and all events related to him real?'. if that's real, it implies Jesus IS God's son and by faith, we believe everything in the bible is real(as Jesus fully support bible himself)"

-------------->How about if the answer is NO?
post 104# is by me
原帖由 櫻花樹下 於 2008-7-11 23:30 發表


1. 點解信神就一定要返教會?
2. 點解唔信神就會落地獄? (全球60億人口,咁地獄豈不是會爆晒棚?)
3. 點解一定要將所有野交俾神?


1. 點解信神就一定要返教會?
--> 因為呢個習慣係猶太教傳統 ... 耶穌及部份門徒/信眾都係猶太人, 好自然跟番舊約所記載既傳統習慣.
--> 因為基督教唔係中國人既本土出產宗教, 中國人冇呢種習慣, 呢種習慣係一 D 大部份人都信奉基督教既社會根本無咩出奇 (因為人人都係咁!)

2. 點解唔信神就會落地獄?
--> 如果有天堂, 當然人人都想去啦 ~ 冇得去天堂 happy 咪已經身在地獄囉 ~
--> 好多宗教都有呢種天堂地獄論

3. 點解一定要將所有野交俾神?
--> 交又好, 唔交又好, 人世間的事, 總要自己去應付. 其實呢部份係點交都交唔到俾其他人, 又或者神
--> 你信人地o個神你先會將非自己所能控制既事"交俾"神

個人覺得, 你係因為朋友關係/群眾壓力而舉起你隻手
你根本不知道, 亦不明白人地o個教係信乜野 (anyway, 大把所謂基督徙都並不是明白, 所謂信其實只因"基督徒"個名有 gain)
你有好多疑問好正常 ... 呢 d 情況人人都遇過  
當你能找到答案的時候再決定吧 ~
這種事從來不需要欺騙自己, 又或者強迫自己.
原帖由 只是普通人 於 2008-12-24 10:17 發表
原來 prussianz 兄 洋文甚了得!
不過, 在下都睇到"頭都側埋"...


ThANKs for your praise .,;==^)

但,我的中文 不得,因為 , 我 根本 不 [心xx重] 打 中 .,;==^)P

ThANKs again

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩

回復 101# prussianz 的帖子

原來 prussianz 兄 洋文甚了得!
不過, 在下都睇到"頭都側埋"...

天下皆笑我黐 我笑看天下廣
原帖由 Guest from 203.223.221.x 於 2008-12-23 22:20 發表
though it is already dec now, i cant help to make some reply
this q is perfectly logically, as you're a human being. but before my official ans, to be 'logical, 'you ...

so when earth can hold 6billion people, by cant hell?

so when earth can hold 6billion people, by cant hell?
so when earth can hold 6billion people, why cant hell?

When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become high spiritual.

When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become high spiritual.
When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become highly spiritual.

Time and space will no time be a limit.

Time and space will no time be a limit.
Time and space will not be a limit.

基徒,你的英文 不正確,請你用回中文發文 , [[[[[[[[[ 還有太多不正,不能盡錄 ]]]]]]]]]



[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-24 06:41 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
though it is already dec now, i cant help to make some reply
this q is perfectly logically, as you're a human being. but before my official ans, to be 'logical, 'you should think about is earth  爆晒棚 now even it's the home to 6billion people? absolutely not, and as a matter of fact, most of the land on earth is now empty, without anyone living on.
so when earth can hold 6billion people, by cant hell? and, to be 'logical', in ur knowledge, we christians won't be going to hell and thus there'll be fewer than 6 billion people living in hell.
is this 'logical' enough for you?

then, my real reply is, '撒 都 該 人 常 說 沒 有 復 活 的 事.......這 樣 、 當 復 活 的 時 候 、 他 是 七 個 人 中 、 那 一 個 的 妻 子 呢 . 因 為 他 們 都 娶 過 他 ' matthew22:23-28.
Jesus's reply is '耶 穌 回 答 說 、 你 們 錯 了 . 因 為 不 明 白 聖 經 、 也 不 曉 得   神 的 大 能 。當 復 活 的 時 候 、 人 也 不 娶 也 不 嫁 、 乃 像 天 上 的 使 者 一 樣 。'
當 復 活 的 時 候 、 人 也 不 娶 也 不 嫁...你 們 錯 了 . 因 為 不 明 白 聖 經

櫻花樹下, u'r making the same mistake as those 撒都該人. you 也 不 曉 得   神 的 大 能 and 不 明 白 聖 經. life in heaven is NOT an ideal life on Earth. They're absolutely different. You'r still using mortal man's vision to anticipate the world after physical death. When the time of the Last Judgement  comes, everything will become high spiritual. Time and space will no time be a limit. You ever heard that a needle's head can hold thousands of angels? that's the concept of spirit.

dont mean to challenge you, and qs related to spiritual things are high encouraged, as we christians are NOT dummies who just receive messages and dont think. but, you should think about the right qs, and, dont challenge the Lord.

i think a q that's worth the most thinking is, 'is jesus and all events related to him real?'. if that's real, it implies Jesus IS God's son and by faith, we believe everything in the bible is real(as Jesus fully support bible himself)

回復 98# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 97# 沙文 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

回復 96# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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