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回復 1# Puppet 的帖子

沒仔細的看和想, 但基本上:

"(1) All things are possible.
(2) Then, impossibility is possible.
(3) Then, something is impossible.
(4) Then, (1) cannot be true."

---------->從(2) 到(3)有問題

"(1) All things are possible with God.
(2) Then, all things that exist logically must be possible. (e.g. a triangular square logically does not exist.)
(3) Then, "impossibility" does not exist with God. (or "impossibility" is not an element of the set {thing}.)
(4) Then, "impossibility" does not challenge God's all-powerful nature."

------------->(2)不用(1)去推論 (但仍valid...). 另, (3)極需要clarify 一下...

[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-12-12 01:31 編輯 ]
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這是證明某statement 為假的方法. 叫Reductio ad Absurdum


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