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科學家認為生物是在無生命的水中, 因為閃電使無機物變成有機物掉進水中, 再由有機物變成細胞膜, 細胞膜變成單細胞, 單細胞變成水中微生植物及動物 > 小量水中大形生命 > 多種水中生命> 陸地生命> 靈長類> 人類. 其實就算出現了有機物, 當時的地球實在有太多的物質會有機物(一定比建立有機物的多), 要做到這樣的巧合其實和相信創造論沒有分別.
道可道非常道  --> 很對.

--> 我都同意..

其實沒有什麼大不了.. 最緊要係我們是開放的.. 如果神創有證據d就信神創.. 進化有證據d就信進化..

其實亦跟本不能證明沒有神.. 所以係無可能話佢會錯.. 但唔錯又唔係一定arm.. 照證據睇當然係進化啦..

回復  Guest from 218.252.156.x
  叫人不要像那些爭持創造論和進化論的人們那樣浪費時間也很浪費時間,大 ...
沙文 發表於 2010/8/18 21:55

回復 40# Guest from 218.252.156.x

Evolution has not stopped.  It does have an effect of life today.

For example, disease control, pest control, environment protection, cancer treatment will all requires an understanding of evolution to be more effective.

In food production, the rejection of GE food because it has a tendency to be mono-culture also borrow lessons from evolution.
回復 40# Guest from 218.252.156.x
creationlists -- no such word.
沙文 發表於 2010/8/14 03:48

Maybe he's really referring to the list of stuff he had came up with?
回復 37# beebeechan
Never mind, evolution has been deadly admitted by the Bible.
Life is also explained by creationlists
beebeechan 發表於 2010/8/13 07:33

creationlists -- no such word.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/8/13 23:39 編輯
Scientist only need to show it is possible (no matter how slim)

dye 發表於 2010/8/13 22:43

The point is : the chance is so slim that it is hardly possible.
For the same token, creation is also possible although it appears so impossible.
I think BB chan miss the point.  Evolution explains it after the first "replicating molecule"

So, 單細胞, 一條虫 is explained by evolution already.
So,  ...
dye 發表於 2010/8/13 22:43

It has been explained by has not been proved.

Life is also explained by creationlists, by has not been proved. The same.
(And it is not random chance, please see the misconception part again)

dye 發表於 2010/8/13 22:43

Things that are not random would imply a designer.
Are you going to tell me this?
I think BB chan miss the point.  Evolution explains it after the first "replicating molecule"

So,  ...
dye 發表於 2010/8/13 22:43

Don't tell me how it happens after. That won't interest me.
Tell me how it happens at the first place.
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/8/13 22:48 編輯

I think BB chan miss the point.  Evolution explains it after the first "replicating molecule"

So, 單細胞, 一條虫 is explained by evolution already.

(And it is not random chance, please see the misconception part again)

And chance do not come into the question because we are only invited to see this one "experiment of life".  We do not know how many others are out there (if any).

BB chan is making a elementary statistical mistake.

Scientist only need to show it is possible (no matter how slim) for the molecule to form into a replicating molecule.  RNA, DNA, many molecules will do.

The real debate is exactly which molecule(s) and exactly by which method(s).
就咁食糖, 蓮子, 旦黃, 麵粉同食月餅一樣咁有營養, 未必一定要月餅嘅

但若insist要的話, 整幾條蟲蟲出來玩都唔係唔得嘅

好心您訂閱Science期刋, 消息唔會咁背嘛
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
最少 abiogenesis 能演示基本原理、在實驗室重複到,神創就一點原理也無
e.g. Miller Experiment, Juan Or ...
大黃傻貓 發表於 2010/8/13 17:54

1960年代﹐Juan Oro 的實驗﹐把氰與亞摩尼亞這兩種原始大氣很多的份子放在溶液﹐結果產生了DNA核酸的一個基礎份子 Adenine

至於怎樣造, 一無所知. 人也造不出來, 不能重演.
Juan Oro 的實驗不能造出一個生物來。

鬼唔知月餅係用糖, 蓮子, 旦黃, 麵粉黎造架咩

我亦不會相信我擺糖, 蓮子, 旦黃, 麵粉係檯上..便會隨機地走出一個月餅來.

人可以造航母, 穿梭機或複雜的機器, 但就造唔出一個單細胞, 一條虫, ..
我相信科學證實眼見的事情, 不會迷信如估計出來的"驗證",
算吧, 只懂惡意評價別人, 叫"唔知就唔好亂講", 但 ...
kkron 發表於 2010/8/11 21:11

If everything in science has to be directly observed, then sciences like astrophysics, eletromagnetism will be gone --
don't talk about science unless you know what is the scientific method....you are so ignorant yet think you can lecture others about science....
我們的科學在這幾百年是不斷的出新的驗證, 不斷的推翻反從前的驗證, 例如從前人驗證了用刀切碎物件, 不斷的 ...
kkron 發表於 2010/8/11 17:34

這些科學驗證確認了理論的預測,觀測到理論說會發現到的現象, 這些現象就是科學事實
Evolution is NOT a theory about the origin of life, then evolutionists please shut up. None of the ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/8/12 11:47

At least abiogenesis and evolution produced results and the latter enable development of vaccines, drugs and applied in agriculture -- Creationism ? no application that benefit human except for you people to masterbate about
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