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Do you still want to stand for your historical study "古代至耶穌年代的釀酒技術只生產低 ABV 既酒"
So how low is this ABV:
Isa10 for ten acres of vineyard will yield only one barrel,
沙文 發表於 2023/4/15 09:00

    Uncle 沙....watch movie should watch the whole film script.

The whole passage should be like this:


「ten acres of vineyard will yield only one barrel」is a curse on Israelites by Isaiah if they don't repent. God will punish them with drought, wars, low harverst, turn their farms barren with thorns and weeds.

This is not a verse describing the actual vine productivity in wine brewing.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/15 21:58 編輯
May be I am.
Do you know how many "liquor"s are there in the bible? Since you stated firmly "古代 ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/15 11:35

Consider the following chart of alcoholic content in drinks today:
Modern wine has between 9-11% alcohol
Brandy has 15-20 % alcohol
Liquors usually have between 40-50 % alcohol
Tfhe bottom is what used to be called “strong drink.” What we call strong drink did not exist in Bible times.

The ancients knew nothing of distilled alcohol..Distillation was a medieval invention. No one made really strong drink before the 13th century.

Comparing modern wines and modern practices to ancient wines and ancient practices is NOT comparing apples to apples.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/16 02:56 編輯
I can find both wine and liquor, or strong drink in your bible, too many times.
9 'When you come t ...
沙文 2023/4/16 00:33 提交

fermented grapes give ABV 4-5%. like i said in #2104 ancient Jews drank this fermented juice diluted, they called it wine. Strong drink means they drank undiluted. Drinking a lot of 4-5% alcoholic fluid would get one drunken.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/16 04:18 編輯
How much " 4-5% alcoholic fluid" did Lot keep in the cave, after escaping from the city?

30 After l ...
沙文 2023/4/16 03:22 提交

what’s on your mind?
you mean Lot and his daughters fled Sodom with barrels of 4-5% alcoholic fluid….this is absurd!?

What is the point to use "diluted 4-5% alcoholic fluid" on the wound?
Luk10:34 He went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to an inn and looked after him.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/16 03:22

You may be a good instructor under water, but not on land.

    Have you ever took any  First Aid Training?
Putting strong alcohol on wounds do more bad than good.
回覆  beebeechan

Yes, I did.
We are trained to use water and soap. not alcoholic fluid, like Jesus ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 03:57

    What if you don't have water in hand?
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 10:09 編輯
回覆  beebeechan

I don't know. you tell me.
How did they manage to have tons of 4-5% alcoholic fl ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 03:59

    The bible does not tell you how long Lot and his daughters lived in the cave. May be years, or decade.
Maybe I can understand the bible when I meet someone who is capable of doing that.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 07:23

You would never meet a tortoise to race with a bunny, and they can even talk to each other.
How come you could still understand the meaning of such story?
回覆  beebeechan

I'll tell you when I meet the guy who can take 10-year-old wine, be unaware of hi ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 09:29

Look like you are speaking  about Lot being pass out in boozing, while the bible is putting Lot in blackout condition. The two are different.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 14:26 編輯
Whatever you call it, I've experienced too many times what is feel like after 10 liters of 5% alcoho ...
沙文 2023/4/18 11:33 提交

    With 10 litres of fluid inside your body, your little brother wants to pee more than the urge to cum.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/18 20:20 編輯
I get that. People lived in the biblical world were extremely special, their dicks were totally different.

沙文 發表於 2023/4/18 18:47

If that is the case, then why are you still worrying how Lot could 'raise his flag' after tons of wines?
2:21        耶和華 神使他沉睡、他就睡了.於是取下他的一條肋骨、又把肉合起來。
2:22        耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
2:23        那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。

作為世界第一宗全身麻醉外科手術病人及世界第一宗人體器管盜竊victim, 咁樣寫會唔會醒目過頭呢?
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 09:51

創世紀第2章, 寫作年份不詳,
恐怕都在四, 五千年前。
難以明白當時寫的人(不知是否梅瑟, 或是梅瑟從口傳得來的)會懂:
幾千年後的我們, 卻看得懂咁樣。

如此推理, 尚未明白, 我們仍搲哂頭的部份:
再過一些時候 唔知要不要幾千年, ...人就明白是甚麼矣, 是濕濕碎既醫學技術?
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 09:51

我估亞當, 當時唔會諗啲咁野,
只係: 哇....索呀....正! 然後又好好奇咁伸手摸下厄娃胸前兩粒魚旦, 想: 點解我無既?
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/29 20:25 編輯
唔係喎,寫得好清楚明白,佢一見條女就話骨中骨肉中肉,完全冇淫念,耶穌都係學佢咋 ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 12:02

#2158我都係話「然後又好好奇咁伸手摸下厄娃胸前兩粒魚旦, 想: 點解我無既?」

佢揸下又捽下,搞到夏娃high 起上來: suck my tits hard......oh oh.... let's make some babies ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 20:56

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/29 21:06 編輯
沙文 發表於 2023/4/29 20:50

挑....你不嘍都將經文無既, 加啲情節上去架哩

你除咗條褲, 唔好嚟笑我無拉褲鏈


沙文 發表於 2023/4/30 06:40

回覆  沙文

    但係又有啲動植物係無性繁殖,雌雄同體咁架喎,又有啲識隨環境而改變性別,又點解呢? ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2023/4/30 01:22

天主既計劃唔會只得一套板斧, 死咕咕...
隨時有plan B, plan C...

但係雖然阿噹改名改得啱, 天主都會唔記得
當佢病發, 就會錯誤地將蝙蝠歸入鳥類

Of the birds, these you s ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/30 21:45


本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/30 23:16 編輯
係天主定咩鳥唔准食嗰時突然病發將哺乳類撥埋入去鳥類。 ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/30 22:55

    經文原文不是叫蝙蝠為「鳥」,希伯來字是叫 'owph'
經上是把蝙蝠列入 owph:『有翼,會飛行的生物』, 錯在那裡?
the eagle, the vulture, the osprey,
the kite, the various species of falcons,
the various species of crows,
the ostrich, the nightjar, the gull, the various species of hawks,
the owl, the cormorant, the screech owl,
the barn owl, the desert owl, the buzzard,
the stork, the various species of herons, the hoopoe, and the bat.

所以, 把蝙蝠歸入「鳥」便是聖經錯?

若經上說天是藍色的, 後來的人把「藍色」的定義改了, 所以天空是藍便是錯?

再比喻, 中英聯合聲明:一個兩制, 50年不變。
吃過了知善惡樹上果的人, 只要把甚麼是「制」,, 甚麼是「變」的定義轉一轉....就是今日的香港
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