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回覆 1751# beebeechan
伯多祿想做勇武, 唔係保命著草
回覆 1750# beebeechan
經文睇多幾面係好既, 呢一面你就睇未到。

當日信徒逃跑離開耶穌, 只係想保住條命, 唔係想日後去傳 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/18 06:24

咁即是一味死跟住耶穌係會亡教嘅, 最緊要保住命仔,
唔背棄基督, 基督教就不能生存。
以上statement, 完全冇錯啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1757# beebeechan
耶穌只係叫門徒背負佢地既十字架, 跟隨我

你咪拎個輕輕地 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/18 09:26
所以,我們可以conclude, 「一定要背負10架跟隨耶穌」這個concept係錯嘅,咁做可能反而累到教會冚包散。
當時既十字架係無宗教意思, 唔係用嚟代表基督教既
beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/18 10:24

阿穌同10字架咁有關係,無宗教意思但有同黨意思,  祭司見到, 馬上聯想到此人必為基督餘孽
回覆 1764# beebeechan

回覆 1761# beebeechan
我經過教育,直頭明曬聖經嘅中心思想。-- 唔明耶穌好過明。

猶如女人戴bra, 成日戴住唔除, 我點幫妳舐蓮頭?
當時門徒信耶穌係默西亞, 係當佢好打得, 能號令天下趕走羅馬人, 復興以色列, 成個紅花會總陀主咁 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/18 10:17

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
點知人地真係請你飲杯咖啡咋, ...
beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/18 17:28

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1782# beebeechan

冇乜成效。小英又夠talk得中文,doesn't mean習近平會聽佢支笛,識講都冇L用
回覆 1783# leefeng
最新研究報告, 佢地拜老鼠, 我地拜貓
‘Godlike’ Cats Are the Preferred Pets for Atheists, Study Finds

06 January 2020
The study says that since cats play hard to get, they are more likely to be worshipped and thus replaced as a religious symbol for atheists.

Not only are cats worshipped at the altar of memes, but even historically they have been believed to possess divine qualities and worshipped by communities across the world. So, a new study published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion that says atheists are more likely to keep cats as pets because of their ‘godlike’ image kinda makes a lot of sense.

Research conducted at the University of Oklahoma found that religious churchgoers who worship more than once a week own 1.4 cats on average, while non-religious folk have an average of two. The study conducted by researcher Samuel Perry that surveyed 2,000 people concluded that the average person often tried to substitute the same thing they seek from religion with pets. “We own pets because we love their company and the special interaction they provide for us. In some ways, pets are actually substitutes for human interaction,” Perry told The Times. He pointed out that people who dutifully follow a religion end up getting adequate social interaction and are less likely to want a feline pet.

He also stressed upon the fact that cats could inspire servitude due to their tendency to be loved on their own terms, which often makes the pet owner desperately try to chase this hard-to-get affection. He compared this attitude to that of dogs, who conversely believe their owner is a godlike creature, while cats continue to view themselves as the ones on top. Therefore, the study concludes that due to the lack of any religious symbol to look up to, atheists subconsciously devote their time to caring for cats.


回覆 1787# beebeechan

您講得水皮, 鍋鍋都係得個拍字。
拍多兩次, 拍乾净晒做埋無塵道人。
笑忍死。。。atheist 要個 religious symbol 托咩

beebeechan 發表於 2020/1/19 06:15

攞黎玩下都得啫,唔駛局限religious symbol嘅用途。
冇當真喎, 我貼出嚟都係玩下啫。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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