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本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/19 23:21 編輯


本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/19 23:54 編輯
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/19 23:18

你的長相, 愈來愈似 C 眼文

人未老, 料又無, 口材又唔好
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/20 11:21 編輯
那印加民族殺光四周的小民族, 這條數需不需要算?
因為沒有一個傳教士德拉斯卡薩斯(B. de las Casas)詳盡地記下來, 所以....不用算了?

beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 22:27

基督教是侵略她們南美全部民族, 其中包括你口裡說的那些小族,
對於侵略了南美洲各地的印地安部落, 眼不見為乾淨嗎?

本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/20 00:08 編輯

And honestly , I do not quite understand what you would trying to say in the above passage, not be ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 14:13

This line itself gave away that it is really because you aren't fluent in English.
廢物一個, 強詞奪理, 胡亂貼圖
Are you saying that the Spanish were bringing smallpox and cowpox into Latin America on purpose?
W ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 14:04

Quick hand answer is, while the Spaniards did not deliberately bring the virus into America, they deliberately destroyed the Aztec Empire's infrastructure and maintained their occupation even after the infection is acknowledged. With cities burnt down and people in servitude it is awfully unlikely that the Aztec people would get even basic healthcare (pre-Colombian standard). Now that pretty much fits every definition of genocide.

What has the communists done to Christians compare to this? Pretty much nothing.

I have no interest to argue with you base on an imagined picture in your stupid mind.
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 14:07

    That's precisely because of what I said: as a moral agent (human), you have no capability to look into matters except from the perspective your self-righteousness belief of whatever ancient people (?)  wrote in the book you read, which really ranks you pretty much on par with the Nazi Germans.

But then, who said that Christians Catholics are necessarily moral agents anyway...
那印加民族殺光四周的小民族, 這條數需不需要算?
因為沒有一個傳教士德拉斯卡薩斯(B. de las Casas)詳盡 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 22:27

    That's like saying just because there's a certain Oskar Schindler from the Nazi party, Nazi party must be a great thing.

Again, try harder.
Quick hand answer is, while the Spaniards did not deliberately bring the virus into America, they deliberately destroyed the Aztec Empire's infrastructure and maintained their occupation even after the infection is acknowledged. With cities burnt down and people in servitude it is awfully unlikely that the Aztec people would get even basic healthcare (pre-Colombian standard). Now that pretty much fits every definition of genocide.

Nomad 發表於 2010/11/20 00:30

The Spanish colonization of the Latin American was a conquest. Would there be any conquest that do not involve killing , plunder and burning down of things?
It was a crime, no doubt.
This line itself gave away that it is really because you aren't fluent in English.
Nomad 發表於 2010/11/20 00:19

It is not a crime  to be "aren't fluent in English.".
    That's like saying just because there's a certain Oskar Schindler from the Nazi party, Nazi party must be a great thing.
Nomad 發表於 2010/11/20 00:32

It would be the same stupid to say WWII was a Holy War, a religious war..just because Hitler was a Catholic.
回復  beebeechan
轉轉貼貼當回應了? 轉轉貼貼已經回應的很清楚了,怎麼還會看不懂?
如果是你白痴的因數所 ...
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/20 00:29

廢物一個, 強詞奪理, 胡亂貼文
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/20 03:15 編輯
This line itself gave away that it is really because you aren't fluent in English.
Nomad 發表於 2010/11/20 00:19

慘得過你中文都唔識打囉. (如果是識打, 而懶打, 仲衰多一重!!!!)
乜中國人同中國人講野要用英文? 仲要鬥邊個英文好一點?
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/20 11:45 編輯
那印加民族殺光四周的小民族, 這條數需不需要算?
因為沒有一個傳教士德拉斯卡薩斯(B. de las Casas)詳盡地記下來, 所以....不用算了?
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/19 22:27

基督教是侵略他們南美全部民族, 其中包括你口裡說的那些小族,
對於侵略了南美洲各地的印地安部落, 眼不見為乾淨嗎? 大舉入侵阿茲特克以外的部落這樣就算了嗎?


基督教是侵略她們南美全部民族, 其中包括你口裡說的那些小族,
對於侵略了南美洲各地的印地安部落, 眼 ...
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/20 11:24


拿..篇文係你貼的, 我有唔明呀!

西班牙征服者每征服一個地方便宣佈一道命令,用最殘酷的死刑和武力脅迫當地土著皈依基督教,並接受西班牙國王的統治,拒不服從者,立刻被屠殺。安的列斯島原有三百萬 印第安人, 1514 年減至 14000 人,最後只剩下 200 人。
安的列斯島Antilles  是荷屬殖民地, 何以與西班牙扯上關係?

對貼文的九翕, 眼不見也為乾淨
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/20 11:47 編輯

我仲有好多唔明架, 唔知可唔可以問你唶

你不認真唶, 我認真的
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2010/11/20 12:10 編輯
我仲有好多唔明架, 唔知可唔可以問你唶

你不認真唶, 我認真的
beebeechan 發表於 2010/11/20 11:45

不要給我避重就輕, 撇開話題, 拆卸文章,


基督教是侵略他們南美全部民族, 其中包括你口裡說的那些小族,
對於侵略了南美洲各地的印地安部落, 眼不見為乾淨嗎? 大舉入侵阿茲特克以外的部落這樣就算了嗎?


不要又給我亂扯,  面對了無賴, 耐心是有限的
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/20 12:18 編輯
不要給我避重就輕, 撇開話題, 拆卸文章,


基督教是侵略他們南美全部民族, ...
dior13dior13 發表於 2010/11/20 12:07

甚麼一句:紀錄文体也可以這樣排序, 就想卸膊?
人地九翕既料, 你不去查核一下就亂貼?
真的正牌「不要問, 只要信」。


你都不是一次給流料, 假料....屢犯, 便是你無料咋
回復 79# beebeechan

又在亂扯, 扯開疑問,

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