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本帖最後由 AmiHO 於 2014/11/11 02:10 編輯

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(馬太10:35-37) 因為我來,是叫人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏?人的仇敵,就是自己家裡的人?愛父母過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒,愛兒女過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒?

(路加14:26) 人到我這裡來,若不愛我勝過愛自己的父母,妻子,兒女,弟兄,姐妹,和自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒?

仲問我? 你唔係唔知耶子的好事呀?
回復  beebeechan

葉仔 發表於 2010/12/28 11:18

沙灘之子: son of the beach
回復 101# beebeechan

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/12/27 22:46 編輯
下下頂到行,如果你得閒無野做的話就去返你教堂 ...
AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/27 18:03

實在是, 你不在講戇居野,
下下頂到行,如果你得閒無野做的話就去返你教堂 ...
AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/27 18:03


你是易燃物品? 一辣即著火

哥哥仔, 檢討一下你的EQ罷
本帖最後由 AmiHO 於 2014/11/11 02:19 編輯

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那你不如到「資源回收箱」那處, 那裡會很輕鬆
當到了公眾地方, 有其它人時, 就不能只講「你要輕鬆」, 做野「不需要負責任」!
時下的哥哥仔, 真係............唉...(無眼睇)
beebeechan 發表於 2010/12/25 14:07


本帖最後由 AmiHO 於 2014/11/11 02:18 編輯

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AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/25 13:27

現在是第#94帖, 第五頁
你要問的, 前幾頁早論到爛了.
人地散埸了, 曲終人散哩....你才入埸.....下請早哩.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/12/25 14:09 編輯

AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/25 13:27

那你不如到「資源回收箱」那處, 那裡會很輕鬆
當到了公眾地方, 有其它人時, 就不能只講「你要輕鬆」, 做野「不需要負責任」!
時下的哥哥仔, 真係............唉...(無眼睇)
就係因為你同人地有咁多無聊的對話,我先費事睇你地的討論咩野,仲有我黎只是輕鬆一下姐,你就同我講乜野 ...
AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/25 13:27

閣下的廢回帖, 正正便是「咁多無聊的對話」的一部份!
本帖最後由 AmiHO 於 2014/11/11 02:17 編輯

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本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/12/25 14:02 編輯
Guest from 121.202.59.x 發表於 2010/12/23 15:01

3 so, finally "God" will show himself to make people believe, then why doesnt he shows himself now?

You are actually referring to the "parousia" of Jesus which could mean the Judgement Day of mankind. Jesus will physically appear to mankind.
God does not want to judge the world now, it is not the time yet.
However, Jesus does come to man from time to time and reveals himself to man in different ways.

Jesus has performed miracles and God has demonstrated mighty power to Israelites.
These do not help people to believe and repent.
Doing so makes people mere worshippers of "power" only , not worship of God himself.
Very interesting point! So what you are saying is that even those who didnt live will still h ...

2 then we always have a second chance, why should I believe and behave during live time
Guest from 121.202.59.x 發表於 2010/12/23 15:01

The purgatory is not a place of joy. It is a place of suffering, like hell, only that it is not eternal suffering.
I do not know how long a soul should stay in the purgatory before admitted to heaven. One week? one month? ten yers, one million years?
God has displayed to man a earth and a universe that last 4.5 billion years and 13 billion years respectively.
To be God's children and behave like God's children for less than the 100 years life span would save millions of years of suffering is a very, very, very good offer.

If you do not believe in God in the first place, hell, heaven and purgatory....mean nothing to you.
Just forget it.
Very interesting point! So what you are saying is that even those who didnt live will still h ...

Then I have a few questions:

1 isnt it a little unfair to those that already believe or even die for it when they were alive?

Guest from 121.202.59.x 發表於 2010/12/23 15:01

I think the "parable of the workers in the vineyard" (Matthew 20: 1-16) and and also the behaviour of the elder son in the "parable of the lost son"(Luke 15:11-32) could answer your question.
各位基基,你地諗下你所認識的非基基親人朋友,他們係咪真係窮兇極惡到值得要永遠去落地獄受苦???? 好多人 ...
AmiHO 發表於 2010/12/23 20:00

相信一個人未在討論串咀前, 實應有責任回看人們在他之前已經討論過甚麼內容。
本帖最後由 AmiHO 於 2014/11/11 02:16 編輯

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回復 35# beebeechan

    Very interesting point! So what you are saying is that even those who didnt live will still have the chance to be saved and be able to go to heaven. Then I have a few questions:

1 isnt it a little unfair to those that already believe or even die for it when they were alive?
2 then we always have a second chance, why should I believe and behave during live time
3 so, finally "God" will show himself to make people believe, then why doesnt he shows himself now?

It sounds like money or live when you are being robbed, and you have to choose, well, those who choose money are of course dead head la?
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