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[原創作品] 人類還有什麼希望!

其實大家不用擔心。 雖然美國以基督教的理念立國,不過美國獨立憲法裡面,首要保障的是<自由、人權>,但會以<法治>管束,這才能彰顯<公義>。加上後來的修正法案,所以,在這些憲法的約束下,美式耶教始終都比中式的自由、開放一點;雖然中、南部的耶教屬於很保守的類型,不過在普遍民情方面只被視為怪胎。當然,詳細情形,最好向經常往返美國的Dye兄問問。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #7 dye 的帖子

Bullshit?你先查清楚再說吧。 美國的確係以基督教的理念立國;只是,去到美洲這麼遠,加上不少移民的心理影響,變了所謂的secular而已。

[ 本帖最後由 酒井明 於 2007-8-25 19:48 編輯 ]
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #15 hund 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.
我明白o既........ 係咁架喇,一有D親英崇美o既言論,就硬係好似激起某D人o既神經咁,係要圍住佢黎插先至安樂。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #19 hund 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #21 的帖子

你誤會喇。 正如我用o既比喻:係,你係可以告俾先生聽,但係響你俾人蝦、俾人打o個一刻,唔通就企響度任人魚肉,唔還手?你係可以唔蝦人,但係就一定要靠自己實力,不論係交朋結友或者自我鍛練,令人地唔會蝦你、想蝦你都有所顧忌。至少,你要俾對方知道,你會還手。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #22 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #25 抽刀斷水 的帖子

John Lennon這首歌,別看他唱得輕描淡寫,歌詞的意境其實非常激進。他說[不再有天堂,不再有地獄];這樣,所有信耶穌、信上帝的就一定不可能會喜歡。說喜歡的,一定是假信徒。他說[想像一下,世上不再有國家],還要說[要這麼做,不太難];一眾擁有維園阿伯思維的人,一定會追著來喊打。
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 #31 hund 的帖子

Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.

回復 35# 的帖子

我就唔係咁想喇..........日本有咁多figure、超合金玩具出,我都未買晒我鐘意o既;網上咁多鹹片,我又係未睇晒我想睇o既;仲有捽碟game呀!"Beatmania IIDX 15 DJ Troopers"又話就黎出喇!呢個世界咁多野玩,咁多好野、新野出,就咁玩完?我唔制架!
Alessa is a daughter of Dahlia Gillespie. Alessa gets toasted in a ritual. Alessa is in agony. Alessa sends a part of her soul (the pure part, the part that wouldn't have to suffer) away in a form of a baby abandoned on the road. Harry finds the baby with his wife. They name her Cheryl.

The rest of it... You know.
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