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本帖最後由 哈佛專家 於 2024/8/4 17:32 編輯


In my opinion, while people can implement socialism, practicing full communism is not feasible. A mixed economy is possible, but it is essential to preserve a free market economy and private property. Full communism cannot be practiced effectively.


In my opinion, while people can implement socialism, practicing full communism is not feasible. A mixed economy is possible, but it is essential to preserve a free market economy and private property. Full communism cannot be practiced effectively.
you don't need the "the"s  for people and communism.
Scandinavian countries have already put into practice what you're suggesting.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Is it right ?

In my humble opinion , people can practice socialism , but people cannot practice commun̈ism. The people can set up the mixed economy. We must preserve the free market economy and private property. Cannot practice full communism.
我認為,人們可以搞社會主義,但不可以搞共產主義。可以搞混合型經濟。一定要保留自由市場經濟及私有財產。 ...


回覆 3# 哈佛專家

In my opinion, while people can implement socialism, practicing full communism is not feasible. A mixed economy is possible, but it is essential to preserve a free market economy and private property. Full communism cannot be practiced effectively.
In my opinion, individuals are able to embrace socialism, but they are unable to embrace communism. They can establish a mixed economy. It is essential to uphold the free market economy and private property. Full communism cannot be embraced.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
有意見就講, 唔使話明自己好humble, 咁af​fec​tatious
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 哈佛專家 於 2024/8/4 16:45 編輯

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