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【明報專訊】金融海嘯是30年來新自由主義在全球推行的結果。自從美國在1970年代結束外匯管制開始,在美國以及國際貨幣基金組織和世界銀行的推動下,世界各國紛紛推行新自由主 ...
Krug aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
Krug bedeutet
- ein Gefäß für Getränke mit einem Henkel, zuweilen mit einem Deckel.Krüge bestehen aus Keramik, Metall oder Glas. Für verschiedene Getränkegibt es unterschiedliche Krüge, beispielsweise den Bierkrug (Maß, Humpen) oder den Bembel, s. Krug (Gefäß).
- [[[[[[[[[ 'the summary : ::::: Krug = 有 耳 的 杯子,例如,Bierkrug = 啤酒杯 ]]]]]]]]]
- [[[[[[[[[ Krug , or , der Krug ,在 德文,是 男人 .,;==^) ]]]]]]]]]
- [[[[[[[[[ 發音= `````cruuk"""" @ 英文 , .......... `````uu"""" , 長音 , = 中文 `````烏"""" ]]]]]]]]]
- eine ländliche Gaststätte (auch Dorfkrug, regionale Bezeichnung, vgl. den Eigennamen Krüger, s. a. Krugrecht)
- den Ort Krug (Gemeinde Pölla) in Niederösterreich
- eine Champagnermarke, siehe Krug (Champagner)
Krug ist auch der Familienname von
- Arnold Krug (1849–1904), deutscher Pianist, Komponist und Musikpädagoge
- August Otto Krug (1805–1867), deutscher Jurist
- Barbara Krug (* 1956), deutsche Leichtathletin
- Gustav Krug von Nidda (1836–1918), Großherzoglich Hessischer Staatsrat und stellvertretender Bevollmächtigter zum Bundesrat
- Hellmut Krug (* 1956), ehemaliger deutscher Fußball-Schiedsrichter
- Johann-Joseph Krug (1800–1866), Gründer des Champagnerhauses Krug
- Ludwig Krug (um 1488/90–1532), Goldschmied, Medailleur und Kupferstecher
- Manfred Krug (* 1937), deutscher Schauspieler
- Michail Wladimirowitsch Krug (1962–2002), russischer Sänger
- Otto Ludwig Krug von Nidda (1810–1885), preußischer Beamter
- Peter Krug (* 1943), lutherischer Bischof
- Reinhold Krug (1926–1991), deutscher Musiker und Komponist
- Siegfried Krug (1939–1968), Opfer der Berliner Mauer
- Wilhelm Traugott Krug (1770–1842), deutscher Philosoph
Siehe auch: Krug von Nidda
Krug ist ebenfalls eine Rockband aus der Schweiz, siehe Krug (Band)

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Beer stein From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
common half-litre "Humpen" or beer mug.
Beer stein is the English term for a Steinkrug, a traditionally German beer drinking mug similar to a tankard. Beer steins can be made of pewter, silver, wood, porcelain, earthenware, stoneware or glass. Beer steins can have an open top or a hinged lid and levered thumblift.
In German speaking countries, it is usually known as a "Humpen" or "Steinkrug", if it is stoneware or earthenware. It is known as a "Maßkrug" or "Glaskrug" if it is made of glass. The Maßkrug, or "Maß" for short, is the large glass mug with a handle usually seen at Oktoberfestfilled with beer. The local Munich term is "Keferloher", as theoriginal Oktoberfest clay mugs were made with clay from Keferloh, in Grasbrunn near Munich.
[edit] Etymology
The English term "beer stein", derives from German "Bier" (beer) "Steinkrug" (stone crock) meaning Stoneware mug or crock, which was shortened by English speakers to "Stein" and combined with "Bier" to approximate the English "Beer mug".
[[[[[[[[[ Stein , 意思 = Stone石頭,發音= ````` sh tai n """" @ 英文 ]]]]]]]]]
- [[[[[[[[[ Stein , or , der Stein ,在 德文,是 男人 .,;==^) ]]]]]]]]]
- [[[[[[[[[ german `````ein"""" = english `````one"""" ]]]]]]]]]
In German, the word "Bierstein" means "beerstone" or "beer scale", a hard film created by the combination of calcium oxalate, protein, and sugar that is formed when the same brewing vessel is used repeatedly without cleaning.
The generic term is Maßkrug, literally meaning "measure crock",whereby the modern measure is one litre of beer. In former days the Maß was 1.069 litre. A line on the mug denotes the filling level.
The overly decorated, more fragile, earthenwarebeer stein is mostly a tourist novelty and is rarely used for drinking.Special cases are the collector's Steins with classic Bavarian motifslike Neuschwanstein, the Munich Glockenspiel or the Oktoberfest poster. Notable exceptions are the Munich Oktoberfest and Bavarian beer gardens where 1-litre "Maßkrüge" are the normal type of glass.
[edit] The Lid
Since steins are often used in the open in beer gardens or at beer fests,the lid is useful for keeping the beer clean from bugs, wasps, orleaves falling from the trees. Originally the design was conceived as asanitary measure. During the summers of the late 1400s, central Europe was repeatedly overwhelmed with swarms of flies. This soon led to the practice of covering food and beverage containers with a lid.[1]By adding a hinged lid with a thumb lift on the lid within reach of themug handle, it was possible to keep a beverage covered and yet open it with the same hand by which it was held.
[edit] See Also
[edit] Pictures[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image rink_augustiner_beergarden.jpg] [/url]
German Maßkrug of Augustiner Bräu.
Earthenware beer steins.
Beer mugs and stein.
[edit] External links
[edit] References
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_stein"
Categories: Beer vessels and serving | Beer glassware | German culture | German loanwords
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[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-29 15:45 編輯 ] |