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波蘭樞機主教 Grocholewski:談論所有宗教違犯父母根據他們自己的宗教去教育自己孩子的權利,以同一樣的方式談論所有宗教,幾乎像是一個反天主教的教育,因為這建立某種相對主義。



Vatican denounce the new mandatory course named "ethics and religious culture" imposed by the Quebec government despite public opposition. Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski said it is an anti-catholic & anti-religious course.

"Talking about all religions violates the right of parents to educate their own children according to their own religion," explained the Polish cardinal, echoing the protests of some parents in the province who say the textbooks are not ideologically neutral.

"Talking in the same way about all religions," Cardinal Grocholewski continued, "is almost like an anti-Catholic education, because this creates a certain relativism." He concluded that this approach to instruction could ultimately be anti-religious, since youth are left with the impression that each faith is a fictional narrative.

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