Because it is YOU who is misled when you said I am misled. I am not misled, I am correcting you. You are refusing to use your head when you failed to see the obvious.
I said IF you place a bomb in the street, you are an idiot. Did you place a bomb on the street?
Rather, you refuse to read the 'IF' and accused me, have you apologized?
For the "might makes right", it IS what you are descibing yourself as believing.
原罪和一次得救永遠得救 by淚兒 Post #41 :你是典型的MIGHT MAKES RIGHT (有強權無公理)
原罪和一次得救永遠得救 by淚兒 Post #75 : 是,我是估不到你是個白痴。
反反基貼第一彈! Post #80: You are not using your brain here.