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湯漢成陳日君繼任人 教廷公布晉升助理主教 將接掌香港教區

原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-1 12:28 發表
(明報) 01月 31日 星期四 05:05AM

【明報專訊】中國天主教愛國會副主席劉柏年曾不點名批評陳日君,在中梵關係上「挑撥」和從中作梗。他昨日評論新任命時,大讚湯漢榮升香港教區助理主教對香港教區是「一件喜事」。他提 ...

according face reading philosophy ,
the more percentage your feature[[face]] looks like that of a animal , then ,
the more percentage your character will also be corrspondongly like that of this animal , too,

+ ,
the more i look at the face of 陳日君 , then ,
the more i think 陳日君 looks like a bulldog ,

me seems , i may b not too wrong here