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Rapist pastor jailed for life in clerics’ lesson
In a lesson to lecherous pastors, a Kikuyu court has given a life sentence to a pastor who lied that he would pray for a mentally ill girl but raped her five years ago.

Patrick Alikula also attempted to rape the mother.

Principal magistrate Daniel Musyoka on Wednesday added two 10-year jail terms for touching the 10-year-old girl’s private parts and attempting to rape her mother.

Musyoka said the sentences will run concurrently, serving as a lesson to any cleric who exploits or plans to exploit anyone, especially vulnerable people.

“It’s better he be a lesson to any other person who claims such acts cleanse or change people’s conditions,” Musyoka said.

The crime was committed in Gikuni village, Kabete, on August 8, 2011.

The court heard that the Kangemi-based Holy Canaan Church cleric told the mother he would make a sacrifice and pray for her daughter until she heals.

The prosecution said the mother was sent to buy anointing oil, but as she ran to the shop, the accused raped the girl and waited naked for the mother to return. When she returned with the oil, he attempted to rape her.

The pastor then told the woman he had had sex with the daughter to cleanse her and had to have sex with her as well to seal the cleansing.

The double rape were supposed to help the girl heal mentally.

When the mother raised an alarm, he threatened her.

A mob arrested Alikula and threatened to set him ablaze before he was handed over to the police. The court rejected Alikula’s plea for mitigation, saying it took it five years to try him.

At one point he jumped bail and went into hiding in the Western region. Alikula pleaded that his church members were awaiting him and his wife and six children need him. But the court stood its ground.

The case is one of a number in which clerics have sexually exploited their trusting parishioners.

http://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2 ... ics-lesson_c1465872
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Clergyman charged over child sex offences, NSW
A clergyman will appear in court today charged with allegedly sexually assaulting a child who was in his care at Bexley, NSW Police say.

Following extensive inquiries, investigators from the State Crime Command Child Abuse Squad arrested a 72-year-old man in Penshurst about 6.25pm yesterday, today.

Police will allege in court the Reverend sexually assaulted a male child aged between 8 and 12 years.

He was taken to St George Police Station where he was charged with aggravated indecent assault – under authority (x 3) and engaging in acts of child prostitution.

The man was refused bail to appear before Sutherland Local Court tomorrow.

Police encourage any person who has been a victim of any kind of sexual violence, no matter how long ago the incident occurred, to contact police.

Reports can be made at any police station.
http://www.miragenews.com/clergy ... d-sex-offences-nsw/
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【大紀元2016年11月07日訊】(大紀元記者聞天墨爾本編譯報導)墨爾本一所天主教中學涉嫌通過虛假培訓項目從維州政府領取培訓津貼,涉案金額高達500萬澳元。該校目前正在接受維州註冊和學歷管理委員會(Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority,簡稱VRQA)的調查。據《時代報》報導,位於丹德農(Dandenong)的St John’s Regional College中學涉嫌提供虛假烹飪培訓,向從未接受培訓的學生頒發烹飪資格證書,從而領取政府津貼。許多被調查到的學生並不曾接受過烹飪培訓,一些學生是成年移民,他們已在海外學習過,只是希望在這裡快速獲得澳洲資格證書。

VRQA正在調查St John’s Regional College中學的烹飪培訓項目,該烹飪項目是該校註冊的培訓項目。維州天主教教育理事會(Catholic Education Commission of Victoria)和維州教育廳也在進行聯合調查。審計人員已獲得了該中學的檔案和備忘錄,試圖查清數百萬澳元的來龍去脈。


St John’s Regional College中學由當地牧師負責規範管理。當虛假培訓項目在9月份被曝光後,管理層解僱了前校長Andrew Walsh和財務經理Mark Siwek。


St John’s Regional College中學地處弱勢地區,近半數的學生沒有英語背景。從虛假培訓項目獲得的資金並沒有用於學生身上,並且資金去向不明。


聯邦政府My School網站顯示,St John’s Regional College中學的其它收入從2012年的64.2746萬澳元猛增到2013年590萬澳元。2014年,該校從其它渠道獲得了510萬澳元。

VRQA負責人Lynn Glover說,VRQA在接到投訴後才開始對St John’s Regional College中學進行調查,目前調查正在進行,不適合做任何評論。


維州教育廳一名發言人說,St John’s Regional College中學與維州政府簽署了合同,在2011年至2015年期間提供政府資助的培訓項目,但該校沒能獲得2016年之後的培訓合同。發言人沒有透露這所天主教中學到底獲得了多大金額的維州培訓保證金(Victorian Training Guarantee),以及有多少學生註冊了烹飪培訓項目,因為這涉及商業秘密。

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在美殺人服刑 牧師返台再遭訴
https://tw.mobi.yahoo.com/news/% ... 8%B4-122513308.html
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Catholic Church defrocks priest over inappropriate sexual relationship, apologises to Jennifer Herrick
The Catholic Church has defrocked a priest for having a "long-term inappropriate sexual relationship" with a woman, in what is believed to be an Australian first.

Key points:

Catholic Church makes public apology to Jennifer Herrick over "inappropriate sexual relationship" with priest
Ms Herrick waged seven-year battle against church over "toxic" relationship
Father Thomas Knowles defrocked, church to pay confidential settlement
The church has also publicly apologised to the female parishioner involved, Jennifer Herrick.

The apology is the culmination of a seven-year legal battle Ms Herrick has waged against the church over the "toxic" relationship she had with Father Thomas Knowles.

On Friday, her civil damages claim against the church will be formally settled in the NSW Supreme Court and Ms Herrick hopes her victory will inspire other women who have been exploited by priests to come forward.

Ms Herrick was a shy, 19-year-old with hip dysplasia, which caused her to walk with an abnormal gait, when she first met Father Knowles.

He cultivated a close relationship with her at the church, Our Lady of Dolours, in Chatswood, in what her psychologists would later describe as "grooming".

When she was 22, Father Knowles instigated a sexual relationship with her.

Ms Herrick says Father Knowles repeatedly exploited her vulnerability as a disabled and sexually naive parishioner over a 14-year period.

Do you know more about this story? Email investigations@abc.net.au
She says the sex was hurried and humiliating, often in public places or in his car.

"I wouldn't want it to be interpreted in the sense of two people of equal standing in a mature heterosexual relationship, because that's not what it was," Ms Herrick told the ABC.

"I don't believe for a minute that the hierarchy of religious orders or the diocese had any grasp of what abuse of positional power really does to parishioners."
Court case unnecessarily drawn out

Ms Herrick remained silent until 2011, when she complained to the Blessed Sacrament Fathers Order. She was then referred to the Church's internal "Towards Healing" program.

"I'm not sure what it was towards but it wasn't healing and I'm certainly not alone in that experience," Ms Herrick said.

"And it was due to the failure of that process that I ended up going to the civil courts which is not something I wanted to do or did lightly but the Towards Healing process is very much on church terms. It's not an independent process and whilst I was treated with respect, I wasn't treated with empathy or understanding."

Father Knowles was initially stood down, but was then reinstated. Ms Herrick says the court process was unnecessarily drawn out.

"Their conduct has been to delay, procrastinate, make things as difficult as possible. In the end, they asked to mediate but I found the process was an endless round of delays."

On Friday, her case will finally come to an end, with the church agreeing to pay her a confidential settlement. Part of the agreement involved a public apology to Ms Herrick, which was made on Sunday during a church service in Victoria.

"For them to publicly recognise the pain and suffering, which were the words that the provincial used in the apology, it helps me know that they are aware that it can affect someone who's over 18 and it will also hopefully encourage other women who've been similarly affected, who are over 18 to come forward and bring their stories forward and seek similar apologies from their respective diocese or orders in the church," she said.

Ms Herrick hopes her case will raise awareness of what she believes is the widespread exploitation of vulnerable women by priests.

"Hopefully this will be the beginning, just like what happened with child abuse, which has only really come to solid light in the last couple of decades," she said.
"I'm guessing that this will be the same, so when I'm nearing the end of my life, I might be able to look back and see that there's been a momentum of change and I can know that I was part of that instigation. But I think it's going to take a long time, I really do."
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016- ... elationship/8100782
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Maine pastor in midst of divorce leaves rehab, kills daughter and self after spray-painting ‘vow breaker’ on estranged wife’s home

A former Air Force chaplain who had just completed 90 days in rehab left the center and immediately killed his adult daughter, scrawled messages against his estranged wife inside the family home and then turned his weapon on himself, police said.

Daniel Randall, 56, and Claire Randall, 27, were found dead inside the Hebron, Maine, house Thursday.

A neighbor checking up on the home assumed the blood on the porch was a leftover Halloween decoration — until he saw the words “vow breaker” spray-painted on the kitchen counter, the Press Herald reported.

“Anita, it’s all your fault,” was also painted on a wall, a reference to Randall’s wife, who had served him divorce papers earlier this week, police said.

Teen accused of youth rehab murder says he woke up 'heartless'
Claire Randall had recently moved from Rhode Island to stay with her step-mother and teenage brother, neither of whom was at home at the time of the shootings, police said.

Daniel Randall was found dead with his daughter Claire, 27, after an apparent murder suicide in Hebron, Maine. (VIA YOUTUBE)
Daniel Randall — who formerly worked as a chaplain in the Air Force and later as a minister at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island — completed a 90-day treatment program for alcohol abuse Thursday morning.

Police said the 56-year-old dad left the Liberty Bay Recovery Center around 10 a.m. and immediately bought a shotgun.

He then drove to the family’s home and broke in through the garage door. He shot his daughter to death in the bathroom around 2 p.m., police said.

Calif. woman runs down husband, 2 friends before killing herself
The pastor trashed the home with the menacing spray-paint messages before he shot and killed himself on the house’s porch.

Claire Randall had recently moved to Maine from Rhode Island to stay with her family. (GRETCHEN ERTL/AP)
Daniel Randall was ordained by the Yale University Divinity School and served as a pastor at a church in Saco, Maine, in 1993, according to online church biographies. He left that parish in 1994 after his first wife died after she slipped and fell during a family picnic. He moved to Arizona with his two daughters — Claire and Molly — where he met his second wife, Anita.

The newlyweds and the girls moved back to the East Coast, where Daniel Randall joined a new congregation in New Hampshire.

The couple had a son in 2001 and a year later, the pastor joined the Air Force reserves as a chaplain, the newspaper reported. Between 2009 and 2012, he worked as a pastor at Rhode Island’s Roger Williams University, and oversaw a congregation in the college town until 2015, when he resigned without explanation.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ ... r-article-1.2905994
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Two church pastors arrested for rape
Two church pastors have been arrested for rape – one in Cape Town and the other in Butterworth in the Eastern Cape, police said on Saturday.

A 32-year-old pastor was arrested in Cape Town for the alleged rape of a 16-year-old congregation member, Western Cape police spokesman Captain FC van Wyk said.

The victim was allegedly taken to the pastor’s residence “under the pretence of praying for her” on Wednesday morning.

“While instructing the victim to undress to apply oil to her body, the pastor [allegedly] pushed her unto his bed and raped her. The victim reported the matter to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the suspect was arrested,” Van Wyk said.

The pastor is expected to appear in court soon.

In the second case, a 43-year-old Zion Christian Church (ZCC) pastor was arrested for rape on Friday afternoon, Eastern Cape SAPS spokesman Captain Jackson Manatha said.

“It is alleged that the suspect took an 18-year-old woman to wash her under the bridge on Wednesday 7 December… as she was ill. The suspect was with the victim only and after washing her with traditional medicine, he allegedly touched her private parts.

“It is alleged that the pastor drove with the victim back to her home. On the same date at about 4.30pm he fetched the victim and drove with her to a certain shack at Ibika township, Butterworth, where she was told to take off her clothes. The pastor also took off his clothes. The victim was instructed to lie on the bed. She was then allegedly raped by the suspect.”

The pastor later drove the victim to her home, where she told her sister about the rape. A case of rape was registered at Msobomvu police station and the pastor was charged. He would appear in the Butterworth Magistrate’s Court on Monday, Manatha said.

http://citizen.co.za/news/news-n ... tors-arrested-rape/
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Chaplain allegedly performed oral sex on girl before Mass
Woman claims teacher sexually abused her in school oratory when she was student

A woman who claims she was sexually abused by a school chaplain when she was a secondary school student has claimed before the High Court he performed oral sex on her in the school oratory.
The woman said she was a fifth-year student at the time and was wearing her school uniform and, after the sexual activity, both of them got ready for a sixth-year graduation Mass. The chaplain was 20 years older than her, she said.
The woman, under continued cross-examination on the sixth day of her case by Miriam Reilly SC, for the then chaplain who has since left the priesthood, said this was the first time they had oral sex on the school premises.
She said she was helping out at the sixth-year graduation Mass. When the chaplain was writing his speech in the oratory, there was “touching” and he then performed oral sex on her, she said.
http://www.irishtimes.com/news/c ... fore-mass-1.2899992
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您一直都問錯人啦, 所有男性離教者的叫雞frequency, 梗係要問相關業內人仕先清楚啦, 我點知啫
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
邊個係最有資格嘅業內人仕呢?等我指點一條明路畀您, 費事您盲忠忠四圍問, 此行業品流複雜, 万一‧撞著唔好老脾嘅馬伕就丙您一鍋甘。

教會自中世紀就已經營雞竇, 堪稱現存最資歷丰富的淫業鉅子:
對於離教者客户叫雞次數、平均每月消費、喜好、 類型、age group等大數据暸如指掌
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Report: Vatican Operating Secret Brothels For Catholic Priests

November 11, 2015 by Michael Stone
Vatileaks scandal widens: The Vatican is secretly operating brothels and massage parlors where priests pay for sex according to the latest claims to emerge from the Vatileaks scandal.
A new report, leaked by a Vatican mole, indicates a Vatican department, the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, is currently leasing and renting out Vatican owned properties at nominal fees to powerful colleagues who in turn allow the properties to be used as secret brothels and illicit massage parlors.
According to reports, the secret brothels and illicit saunas are being patronized by Catholic priests.
The properties implicated in the report include premises close to the Italian Parliament and a solarium near Piazza Barberini.
Last week the Vatican’s gendarmes arrested two members of Pope Francis’s economic-reform committee—Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, a powerful monsignor, and Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui, whose background is in public relations—for allegedly leaking documents to two Italian journalists.
These latest revelations of wrongdoing comes on the heels of the publication of two books by Italian investigative journalists earlier this month: “Merchants in the Temple” and “Avarice.” Both publications paint a damning picture of mismanagement and greed in the Vatican.
Citing leaked confidential documents, the books expose the greed of cardinals and monsignors, mismanagement of Vatican assets and the resistance to change from the Holy See’s old guard.
Pope Francis has denounced the leaks as a crime.
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/pro ... r-catholic-priests/
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Vatileaks scandal: Vatican properties ‘used as brothels and massage parlours where priests pay for sex,’ claims report
Vatican-owned properties in Rome are operating as seedy saunas and massage parlours where priests pay for sex, according to the latest in a series of leaked reports to embarrass the Church.

It is also claimed that Vatican officials are allowing buildings to be rented out at peppercorn rents as favours to powerful colleagues and turning a blind eye to shady property deals, as well as allowing addresses to be used as red-light establishments.

Vatican priest arrested in hunt for the Holy See’s enemy within
Among the properties mentioned in the document, made public by a Vatican mole, are premises in two streets close to the Italian Parliament and a solarium near Piazza Barberini, according to press reports.

One particular Vatican department, the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, has been highlighted in the list. It owns hundreds of high-value properties in central Rome, worth hundreds of millions of euros.

Two years ago it emerged the Vatican had purchased a €23m (£16m) share of a Rome apartment block, 2 Via Carducci, which housed the Europa Multiclub, Europe’s biggest gay sauna. Tales of visiting priests were legion, and a section of the sauna’s website promoting special “bear nights” included a video of a hirsute man stripping down and changing into a priest’s outfit.Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who held the Vatican’s purse strings under the previous Pope Emeritus Benedict, was said to have been behind the purchase of the block of flats in 2008.

Vatican scandal book exposes secret saint-making machine and break-in
Vatican uses monastery to ‘cure gay priests’, former clergy claim
Catholic bishops gather to formulate policies on gay relationships
It was also alleged in this month’s leaks that Cardinal Bertone used €200,000 from a medical charity to refurbish his penthouse flat. Meanwhile, sources quoted by Ansa news agency said that Pope Francis hoped to close the leak investigation and draw a line under the affair before the Vatican’s special Jubilee Year, which begins on 8 December. Some observers believe the leaks are part of a campaign to undermine his effort to reform the Curia.
http://www.independent.co.uk/new ... r-sex-a6729251.html
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Malayali Priest’s Five star brothel in Italy

published on November 8, 2012

A five star brothel business in Italy, which is being run by a young Malayali priest associated with a diocese of Kottayam has been exposed by online malayalam news websites. The priest has been recruiting young women from localities like Ettumanur, Kaduthurutthi, Karimkunnam, Uzhavoor and Kaippuzha. The women were from financially backward families whom he came in contact at his capacity as the priest with the church. They were recruited offering jobs as home nurses abroad. The agents linked to the priest used to charge huge sums ranging from Rs 2 lakhs to 10 lakhs from their victims for processing their documents arranging for their visas.

It is being reported that, the priest has a wide network back home which includes nuns, priests and local politicians who work for him for good returns as commission. The visitors to Italy from different dioceses in Kerala and politicians who go for occasional visits were his guests.  

One such woman who ended up there couple of months back became instrumental in exposing this unholy business. She refused to work with them and raised an alert, after which she was given employment in another firm and her family was silenced by paying a bribe of Rs 2 lakhs.

It is assumed that the priest pays hefty contributions to the church establishments and politicians back home, because of which the church authorities and even the government are reluctant to take any actions against this priest.

Visit the below link to read the full story in Malayalam
http://keralaonlinenews.com/mala ... am-news-20447.html/
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Pastor in trouble for raping 11-yr-old girl in a brothel
A supposed man of God who is the General Overseer (GO), of a pentecostal church located at the Oworonshoki area of Lagos State, has been arrested for allegedly luring an 11-year-old girl to a brothel in the area and raping her, Daily Post reports.
According an eyewitness, the pastor who is very popular in the area, had, on Saturday, January 23, lured the girl to the brothel where he forcefully had carnal knowledge of her and it was screams of pains that attracted some of the prostitutes resident in the brothel.
The scarlet ladies were said to have rushed to the room but found it locked and alerted policemen from the Alonge Police Division. The policemen thereafter, forced the door of the room opened where they found the girl in a pool of her blood and the GO who was half naked trying to clean her up.
The man was arrested but two days later, he was released by the police, causing outrage and pandemonium in the community as residents rose enmasse to protest the release of the pastor who is said to have earlier raped three young girls in the area and had been left off the hook each time.
http://pulse.ng/gist/touch-not-m ... thel-id4617982.html
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Female Inmate: Prison Chaplain Raped Me, Called Me His ‘Mexican Whore’

An Arkansas chaplain assaulted female inmates on a weekly basis during private ‘prayer sessions’—and one victim claims other prison officials helped him get away with it.
He promised spiritual counseling and a shot at parole. But for years, Kenneth Dewitt, the aging chaplain at an Arkansas lockup, called female prisoners to his office for “special training” and raped them instead.
Dewitt was sentenced to five years for assaulting three women at the McPherson Unit in Newport from 2013 to 2014. He originally faced 50 counts of sexual assault, each carrying 10 years behind bars, but took a plea deal this summer.
Now the crooked clergyman is named in a lawsuit from one of his victims, Leticia Villarreal, a single mother from Mexico. Villarreal claims Dewitt sexually assaulted her 72 times, or every Monday for about a year and a half.

Dewitt, 68, degraded Villarreal while he assaulted her, calling her his “Mexican whore” and “my Mexican,” the lawsuit states. “You are a criminal from Mexico. No one will help you here but me, so you better do as you are told,” Dewitt allegedly told her.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, Villarreal said Dewitt preyed on women who had no family and few visitors. “Nobody wrote me letters. I was pretty much abandoned,” said Villarreal, who was released from prison and deported last year.
“I didn’t have much education, I was an orphan and grew up on my own. That made me a target,” she added.
Villarreal’s lawsuit—which also lists several corrections officers as defendants—provides a deeper look into allegations of Dewitt’s sickening abuse and requests damages for medical expenses, as well as an overhaul of prison policy in Arkansas.
The complaint, which alleges a violation of civil rights and negligent training and supervision, also comes as the U.S. Department of Justice investigates allegations of sexual abuse of inmates at the penitentiary.
Dewitt made national headlines in December 2015 after he was charged. Back then, The Daily Beast revealed Dewitt based his jail teachings on those of Bill Gothard, an evangelical minister accused of sexually harassing more than 30 women.
Yet no one appeared to suspect this white-haired man of the cloth was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, who secretly coerced prisoners into sex on a schedule. He assaulted one inmate on Sundays, another on Mondays and a third on Wednesdays, prosecutors said. One victim told police that Dewitt had her sit in a chair and perform oral sex on him while he stood at the door, keeping watch.
Previously a Baptist minister, Dewitt founded his prison program, Principles and Applications for Life, in 1999. He resigned in September 2014, after a former inmate wrote a letter to prison officials stating, “Chaplain Dewitt and I had a moral failure,” and sparked an investigation, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported. Shockingly, the state Department of Correction honored him as its “employee of the year” just one year before.
“There are so many people out there pretending to be something,” Villarreal said of Dewitt’s abuse of authority, “but they’re really criminals.”
The 43-year-old said she became acquainted with Dewitt not long after moving to the United States and going to prison.
Villarreal immigrated to Arizona and later to Texas in 2001 to escape her abusive husband in Mexico. She told The Daily Beast she worked as a waitress and a stripper in Texas, struggling to make ends meet for her three children. She was arrested four years later as a passenger in her brother’s vehicle, which was transporting drugs.
According to Villarreal, her sibling and two other male passengers lied to cops, telling them the cocaine belonged to her. (These claims could not be confirmed by The Daily Beast, but online court records show Villarreal has a conviction for cocaine possession with the intent to deliver. Meanwhile, her lawsuit states she was sentenced to 40 years.)

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The distraught mother sought help to turn her life around once she was incarcerated in 2007. So she signed up for Dewitt’s non-denominational “P.A.L” program—which the parole board looked favorly upon—and became a counselor whose duties included translating for Hispanic inmates.
But in January 2013, Dewitt came to her with an “opportunity for advancement” and asked her to report to his office the following Monday at 6 a.m., her lawsuit states.
When she arrived, Dewitt locked the door and said he knew “how very attracted [she was to him],” court papers state. The pastor then allegedly told Villarreal he wanted to give her “sexual training in order to be a true woman of God.”
Despite Villarreal’s refusals, Dewitt groped her and told her she had no choice but to accept his authority, the lawsuit states. Before she left the room, he allegedly reminded her to visit his office every Monday morning “or else.”
What happened between them was a “private matter,” Dewitt allegedly warned, and if she ratted him out, no one would believe her.
Villarreal continued to visit the preacher’s post every Monday at 6 a.m. out of fear, the lawsuit states. Once she arrived, Dewitt would lecture her for 30 minutes “on how to have a proper relationship with God,” then rape her and force her to perform oral sex.
Dewitt also allegedly told Villarreal she should be grateful for his “training” and suggested she become a missionary in Mexico and thus a “woman of Godliness.”
The chaplain warned Villarreal that if she told anyone about the abuse, she would be put in segregation and never leave prison. She never reported the sexual assaults and began to contemplate suicide. The only thing keeping her from killing herself was the thought of seeing her children again, the lawsuit states.
Villarreal did not only suffer emotionally from the sexual assault; she acquired sexually transmitted infections from Dewitt, court papers allege.
Dewitt routinely bragged about his sexual exploits during PAL lectures, the lawsuit alleges, and told his flock he acquired herpes during his “glory years” as a “playboy.” Villarreal repeatedly sought help from medical staff for pelvic pain and bleeding, as well as sores in her mouth that nurses called “lie bumps,” the complaint says.
According to the lawsuit, another of Dewitt’s victims had similar symptoms in her treatment history but medical staff did not report this to higher-ups.
Dewitt allegedly continued to assault Villarreal until late July 2014, when he left for a trip and his assistant chaplain Stacey Smith took over. Smith, who was also sleeping with Dewitt, was a former inmate serving a 60-year sentence on drug charges but granted clemency by former Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Smith called Villarreal into the chaplain’s room and said she knew about the Monday sex sessions with the pastor, the lawsuit says. “Then, in an utterly bizarre gesture, Chaplain Smith said she ‘forgave’ [Villarreal]” before ordering her to leave the office,” court papers allege.
The next day, Villarreal asked Smith to remove her from the PAL program, but Smith said she couldn’t without Dewitt’s permission, the complaint states. Villarreal also asked another corrections employee, Tonya Gates, to change her barracks assignment but Gates also allegedly deferred to Dewitt.
Villarreal claims Dewitt was furious when he returned from vacation, demanding she not ask for removal from his program again. With the help of Sergeant Phillip Allen, Dewitt escorted her back to his office, the complaint says.
According to the lawsuit, Allen offered to pepper spray Villarreal and toss her into solitary confinement if Dewitt “needed help.” Once in the pastor’s quarters, Villarreal was berated by Dewitt until she promised to keep quiet about the abuse.
In September 2014, Dewitt changed his tone, asking Villarreal to “forgive” him for raping her. The chaplain informed her authorities were on his tail, and he asked her to lie to investigators, court papers allege. (That month, Smith told prison officials in a letter about her “moral failure” with Dewitt.)
Villarreal didn’t reply, because Dewitt “appeared mentally unstable, and she was worried about her safety if she said the wrong thing,” the complaint states.
Still, in December 2014, she reported the sexual assaults to the chaplain’s temporary replacement and was told a warden would interview her. Villarreal claims in her lawsuit that the warden never took action but that Arkansas State Police came knocking months later.
Villarreal’s lawsuit suggests a network of chaplains and prison employees allowed Dewitt unfettered access to potential victims.
Kristina Gates, a prison chaplain known as Gramma and who is named as a defendant, continued facilitating phone calls between Dewitt and one of his victims even after he resigned, court papers allege. Because of Gramma’s help, Villarreal initially felt unsafe in reporting Dewitt’s assaults.
Indeed, it’s unclear how Dewitt’s sexual abuse went undetected by prison officials.
Wendy Kelley, hired as the director of the state Department of Correction after Dewitt’s resignation, told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that the chaplain’s office was on the unit’s main hallway and had a floor-to-ceiling window.
“But that clearly wasn’t good enough,” Kelley told a reporter at Dewitt’s plea hearing. “So we made some moves to prevent that from ever being able to happen again.” (The prison knocked down some walls to prevent blind spots.)
The Arkansas Department of Correction, as well as Dewitt’s attorney, declined to comment on Villarreal’s lawsuit.
Joseph Lacome, an attorney for Villarreal, said he has a list of five other possible victims of Dewitt’s abuse and is awaiting the results of the DOJ’s probe into McPherson.
“The [Arkansas Department of Corrections] can make it look like, ‘Well, we’ve done our job,’ but I think it’s more systemic,” Lacome told The Daily Beast. “There’s a lot more going on in that prison.”
http://www.thedailybeast.com/art ... -mexican-whore.html
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Boston Clergyman Allegedly Found With a Prostitute Behind a Cemetery
Last December, Pope Benedict XVI named Massachusetts episcopal vicar Arthur M. Coyle a Prelate of Honor, the second of three monsignor ranks within the Catholic Church. Yesterday, police allegedly discovered Coyle with a prostitute behind a cemetery.

The Boston Globe reports that law enforcement saw Coyle with a woman who'd been previously arrested on prostitution charges in the passenger seat of his Chevy. The cops waited five minutes, then approached the parked car, where they "separated" (uh?) the two suspects. Coyle later admitted he'd offered her $40 for oral sex.

Yesterday wasn't the first time local officers noticed the clergyman driving around an area frequented by sex workers, according to a police report submitted to the court and read by the Boston Globe. "Coyle had been spotted a dozen times in the past circling a neighborhood known for prostitution, noting, in particular, an incident in November. . . When police asked why he had been circling an area known for prostitution, he denied doing so and went home."

Today, the 62-year-old pled not guilty to charges of paying a fee for sexual conduct. Soon after, the Archdiocese of Boston announced that the Reverend Monsignor had submitted to a voluntarily leave of absence, asking "for prayers for all impacted by this matter."
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Pastor takes Craigslist bait, wanted to meet young girl, police say
KENTWOOD, MI - A man who works as a pastor tried to arrange a meeting with an undercover police officer who posed as a father on Craigslist willing to prostitute his young daughters, police said.

David Robert Diehl, 39, of Kentwood, is accused of child sexually abusive activity and using a computer to commit a crime.

He faces up to 20 years in prison if arrested. He is free on $10,000 personal-recognizance bond.Deihl told investigators he works full-time at a funeral home.

Diehl and his wife are also pastors at Church on Fire in Grand Rapids, according the church's website.

They have served in ministry since they were married in 1998, the website said.

Diehl was arrested after an undercover officer, posing as a concerned Craigslist user, warned others about a man named "Daddy Dave" who was trying to "trick out," or prostitute, his young daughters.

A man named David Diehl emailed the investigator for the phone number of the man prostituting his daughters. The investigator, state police Detective Matthew McLanin, provided the emailer with his own number.

The man texted the detective and talked about meeting with "Daddy Dave" to have sex with his 11-year-old daughter.

Police identified Diehl as the suspect and used a search warrant at his apartment on Tuesday, Nov. 22. He wasn't home but police found him at work.

Diehl admitted texting "Daddy Dave" about his 11-year-old daughter and the possibility of meeting her for sex, police said.

He told police he had an interest and curiosity in children ages 12 and 13, the detective wrote in a probable-cause affidavit filed in Kentwood District Court.

"Diehl admitted there was a strong possibility he would have met with Daddy Dave for the purpose of having sex with the 11-year-old girl if there was zero chance of Diehl being arrested by police or having to go to jail," McLalin wrote.

The church website says Diehl served in the U.S. Army for over 18 years, which included three deployments to the Middle East. The site says he "operates with a gift of prophecy and has a heart for young adults and men's ministry."
http://www.mlive.com/news/grand- ... igslist_bait_w.html
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11 anti-gay preachers who got caught doing very gay things

http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/1 ... ng-very-gay-things/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Pastor battling prostitution outside church building
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- What happens when members of one church walk outside its doors is enough to make them turn around and head right back to the sanctuary.

It's no surprise to hear the oldest profession in the world is happening along West 10th Street in Huntington, but New Day Ministry Pastor Helen Wolfe says it's worse than ever.

She says prostitutes proposition her church members before and after church services.

"These ladies are literally chasing them to the front door," she said.

Even Pastor Helen has been mistaken for one of the ladies in question.

"An older gentleman about 62 years old pulled in front of the daycare," she said. "I walked out and I said, 'Hey, can I help you?' and he said, 'Yeah. How much?' And I looked at him and I said, 'Salvation is free.' "

She doesn't intend to tolerate it any more.

"Somebody has to go out and say I'm going to put a stop to this," she said.

While a WSAZ crew was talking with Helen, she confronted a couple of the women as they were walking by her church.She told one of them, "Somebody is going to cut you up, somebody is going to kill you. and you're worth more than that."

She also told one of the women, "Tell the pimps I'm coming after them."

One of the ladies agreed to come inside the sanctuary and share her story.

"I used to be a supervisor," she told WSAZ. "I had a good job, a nice home, car, everything, and I got really badly hurt and got on pain pills."

She claims to no longer be addicted to drugs but continues to work as a prostitute because she can't find another job.

"We're not bad people," she said. "We're just trying to survive like everybody else. That's all we're trying to do."

So is Pastor Helen.

She also runs a daycare next to the church. She says more than half the children's parents have pulled them out in the last couple years because of this problem.

"The pimps are now getting into my pocket," Helen said. "Now the daycare is decreasing because the parents know it's a good daycare, but they tell me all the time, we'd love to bring our children there, but they say they get chased down by the prostitutes. I'm going to flip this and get in the pimp's pocket."

Pastor Helen plans to start taking pictures of people involved in criminal activity outside her church, including the men who pick up the prostitutes, and sending them to the police.

"If the enemy is bold enough to come on this street, I'm going to be bold enough to confront him," she said.

The city of Huntington is working on new strategies in dealing with this problem, as well.

The WEAR program began back in November. That added 20 spots in the drug court specifically for women who got into prostitution to support a drug habit.

Huntington Police also announced in October they would begin displaying the faces of people caught picking up prostitutes on billboards.
http://www.wsaz.com/content/news ... ing--370572971.html
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Grace Baptist pastor of children's ministry fired after arrest in sex trafficking sting
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- After a three-day investigation, nearly two dozen men were arrested on charges related to human trafficking, including Jason Evan Kennedy, a pastor of children's ministry at Grace Baptist in Karns.

Grace Baptist responds

Those with the church say Kennedy lost his job as a result of the arrest.

Church leaders released a statement that read:

"The actions of the children’s pastor for which he has been arrested were part of his life outside the church, and we have received no questions or concerns related to his conduct within the church or its ministries."

Church leaders said Kennedy was hired two-and-a-half years ago. Church administrators got a background check on Kennedy and it turned up with no issues at the time. It did not indicate any previous problems. Church leaders believed Kennedy was a good fit because he listed a children's pastor as a reference on his application. That pastor affirmed Kennedy had no issues in his background.

"We are praying for his family and will continue to provide the services of our ministry to them," read the final statement in the church's release.

The church will be closed until Monday.

Details of Kennedy's arrest

According to a police report, Kennedy responded to a Backpage.com ad via text message. The report says Kennedy was made aware that there would be two girls present, one was 15 years old. He negotiated $100 for a half hour of sex with both girls.

He was told to go to a gas station on Merchants Road for further instructions. Then he received instructions to go to a hotel room where the girls were.

The report says he stated he wanted to have sex with both girls he thought were inside. He put the agreed upon $100 on the counter. He removed his pants and then law enforcement took him into custody.

"Our work is not finished. We want to make sure there is no safe place to hide for criminals who would victimize the most vulnerable among us. We want anyone answering an ad for sex to think that a TBI agent and a Knoxville Police officer may be on the other end of that line," said TBI Director Mark Gwyn.

Kennedy is charged with human trafficking and patronizing prostitution.

Another pastor charged

TBI Director Mark Gwyn says another man, Zubin Parakh, responded to ads specifically indicating he was looking for underage girls to have sex with. Parakh was listed as a "Creative Pastor" for Lifehouse Church in Oak Ridge.

"Law enforcement across the state are watching and we are working together to stop anyone from trying to buy or sell a child for sex," said Gwyn.

32 people arrested or cited, 23 men charged with trying to buy sex

Agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and officers with the Knoxville Police Department worked together to arrest or cite 32 people on charges related to human trafficking. Twenty-three of those arrests were of men trying to buy sex from a prostitute.

"These are men from our community. They include an engineer, a volunteer firefighter, a landscaper, a student. These are people we work with and live with," said Gwyn.

Five women were arrested for working as prostitutes. Of those five, three accepted service from a non-profit to get out of prostitution.

"This crime is grossly protected by stereotypes that tell us it happens to certain people and certain places. Many of us like to believe that those people and those places are not here in Knoxville, Tennessee," said Kate Trudell with the Community Coalition against Human Trafficking. "This is happening right here. It's happening behind the curtain and behind closed doors. The demand comes from every single sector in our community."

Details of the investigation

During the investigation, undercover agents posted ads on Backpage.com, including an ad posing as an underage girl. Three-hundred people made contact in relation to those ads. More than two dozen people made contact in relation to the ad of the agents posed as an underage girl.

"What so many people in our community don't quite understand is that human trafficking is a demand driven crime. And that demand comes from every single part of our society, including those parts that we'd all like to believe are not part of the problem," said Trudell.
http://www.local8now.com/content ... ting-380265771.html
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