回覆 beebeechan
依家好明顯係話緊教堂收費高昂啦,唔係豐儉由人喎。 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2012/10/14 20:03 
婚配是教會七件聖事之一, 教廷法典寫明教會不得為聖事向教徒徵取收費, 簡單說是免費的。
如你肯多看清楚報導, 不要只看你想看到的, 便會找到原文有以下的報導:
“Almost all the parishes in the Philippines conduct free mass weddings,” said Msgr. Francis Lucas of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines in a phone interview with GMA News Online. Msgr. Lucas is the Executive Secretary of CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Social Communication and Mass Media.
By special, Lucas said that would include “additions like a choir, a choir director, additional decorations, etcetera.”
有d 人鐘意派埸, 花費當然高.
你周時都係犯了呢個毛病, 睇野永卦著一個有色眼鏡。 |