本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/7/7 01:04 編輯
The US constitution is kept being used in the debate like this. What did the Constitution say?
The ...
dye 發表於 2010/7/6 23:08 
To use the Zelman case to compare the HK funded system is like saying Nazi Germany is a democracy (Hitler is elected by a general public vote system, after all!)
Government voucher in the Ohio program goes DIRECTLY INTO THE INDIVIDUAL, that is, in the case of HK, even if the individual chooses to go to a private school, or even an IS, the same voucher pays for it (or at least an equivalent amount of aid given to students who go to funded schools/private schools which government would pay for bought seats) Notice that ISes costs are high mostly because the schools (and the individual) receives no aid whatsoever, the equivalent voucher or ceasation of the funded school system altogether will make ISes far more price competitive with funded schools.
In case you don't even know what's a school voucher:
In HK, government funding directly goes to the SCHOOL, NOT the individual, no individual can go a random private school and use the government voucher.
The same deal goes to the school bus issue - the school bus service directly goes to the individual, and has no religious content, an individual can use the same school bus service to go any school, a same deal in HK would be government providing buses to EVERY SCHOOL including ISes, as long as they apply for it.
(reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everson_v._Board_of_Education
A New Jersey law authorized payment by local school boards of the costs of transportation to and from schools - including private schools.)
An honestly similar case in HK will be the Kurtzman case, in which government, instead of providing voucher to the INDIVIDUAL, directly pay for school teacher salaries:
And while a Legislature can hire, a chaplain to give prayer, it has no right to force people into praying, which is contrary to the case of a funded school in HK.
The merit system won't ever work in HK because the economical ecology is botched - this is a piece of land only needs accountants, businessman, lawyer and politicians, it has no place for an effective academia or an effective R&D (therefore no place for any long term development), and has no producing industry. It survives to this day purely because some national government decides that financial business will be done exclusively in this place, and heavily subsidize everything sold in this city, as though it's some charity.
And the Legco will never do their job to "safeguard" people's freedom on this, because the "beloved" democrats all got their support from the the education sector/church sector and they didn't even hide it in the days of the previous CE - the way the system is run is simply a disgraceful law since it allows the individual's freedom to be stepped on for some interest group's interest, and no one has to guts to speak up to that just because it's on "the right side" of the cold war, and therefore they found excuses and make remotely dis-similiar comparisons from other countries and pretend they were doing as much.
A democracy is possible only because a people in general recognize every right the individual, and that every right is ought to be protected, even if that individual is not himself. That's why people in US fight for Gay Rights when they are heterosexual, and rule out direct government aid to religious schools (as in paying the school, not the individual) when they are Christians. Nazi Germany ends up Nazi Germany because people cares only about their votes prevailing and not a jack about the individual rights. In the end of the day, that's why Hong Kong people never stand up against it, and make up excuses to pretend there's no such a problem - because they don't want to face what they are, and where they are heading. |