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梵蒂岡官方媒體《羅馬觀察報》(L'Osservatore Romano)旗下月刊《女性.教會.世界》(Donne, Chiesa, Mondo)在報導中曝光修女忍受低薪勞務、在教會內不受重視的現況。儘管修女所受的剝削待遇在教會內似乎稀鬆平常,但不尋常的是梵蒂岡的官方出版品居然出現對教會的公開譴責,使該雜誌被形容為天主教會「我也是(受害者)」(#MeToo)行動的重要標記。
報導內容描述修女如何「服侍」教會中的男性,「有些修女在主教家中,從清早起床做早餐,到晚餐結束後打掃屋子,把衣服洗好熨好才能睡覺。」使用化名的瑪麗修女(Sister Marie)表示,修女幾乎不會被邀請坐上餐桌,而是在桌邊為男性神職人員服務。她說:「在耶穌眼中我們都是上帝的兒女,但在現實生活中卻不是這樣。」
撰寫報導的法籍記者庫巴奇(Marie-Lucile Kubacki)指出,修女時常在沒有合約保障下為主教或教會機構工作,領取微薄薪資,甚至沒有任何報酬,而當她們生病時只會被送回修會,再由修會派遣新人前往工作。一名不具名的修女受訪時說:「修女被視為隨傳隨到的志工,進而造成權力的濫用」。

另一名保爾修女(Sister Paule)則說,即使是擁有博士學位的修女,也因為修會講求的集體性不被允許發揮長才,分派到和專業完全無關的家務工作。她認為在一切背後仍是女性居於從屬地位的中心思想,「神父是教會的一切,他們的姊妹卻什麼都不是。」女性的價值在教會中仍然不受重視。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
由絲卡拉菲亞(Lucetta Scaraffia)擔任總編輯的梵蒂岡月刊《婦女、教會、世界》三月號,揭露了梵蒂岡教會內的性別不平等現象。(AP)
由絲卡拉菲亞(Lucetta Scaraffia)擔任總編輯的梵蒂岡月刊《女性.教會.世界》三月號,揭露了梵蒂岡教會內的性別不平等現象。(AP)
《女性.教會.世界》的總編輯絲卡拉菲亞(Lucetta Scaraffia)近期受訪時曾表示,女性在教會內受到剝削,她告訴美聯社,目前為止沒有人敢公開譴責這件事,「我們試圖為那些沒有勇氣說話的姊妹發聲。」《女性.教會.世界》目前以義大利文、西班牙文、法文和英文印刷,並在網路上免費發行。事實上,斯卡拉菲亞自己也是教會內「被剝削」的一員,她和月刊的另外8名編輯都不支薪,無償支持雜誌的運作。
身為天主教女性主義者,同時在羅馬大學(La Sapienza university)任教的絲卡拉菲亞認為,女性占教會成員的一半,因此《女性.教會.世界》是必要的存在,報導最後寫道,希望文章中修女的經歷,能提供反思教會內男性權力宰制的機會,讓整個教會的面貌更加豐富多元。
儘管教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)曾表示他讀過也欣賞這本雜誌,但《女性.教會.世界》關注的議題確實挑戰了梵蒂岡教會根深蒂固的父權體系。在梵蒂岡只有非常少數的女性能位居要職,而方濟各日前曾在2016年坦承,教會內女性的工作「與其說是服務,不如說是奴役」,呼籲女性面對不合理要求時勇敢說:「不」。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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Girl 'sexually abused by Catholic priest' at Scottish orphanage had arm broken by a nun, inquiry hears
A nun broke a young girl's arm as she reacted to discovering the child was being sexually abused by a priest, an inquiry has heard.

Theresa Tolmie-McGrane told how she had hoped she would be protected when the nun walked in on the assault in 1970, when she was eight, but was instead called a "whore", grabbed and thrown towards a wall.

She added that she was then given a "real hiding" by another nun and threatened with having her other arm broken if she told anybody what had happened.
Ms Tolmie-McGrane waived her right to anonymity at the Scottish child abuse inquiry to recount a catalogue of other abuses during her 11 years at Smyllum Park orphanage in Lanark, South Lanarkshire, which closed in the 1980s.These included beatings, humiliations, freezing showers and children being force-fed inedible food, being told to eat their vomit and having their mouths rinsed out with soap.

She told the hearing in Edinburgh how she arrived at the institution, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, at the age of six in 1968 after an abusive early childhood.

She recounted how, about two years later, she had a job dusting pews in the church.

One particular priest would arrive early and ask her to sit on his lap, before progressing to making her to perform a sex act on him or watch as he did so, the inquiry heard.

"He said 'I need you to be a soldier of God, a good little soldier'," she told the inquiry, adding the abuse went on for several months.

On one occasion, a nun walked in to the room as it was happening, she said.

"I thought 'praise the Lord, she's seeing this, she's going to be angry with him and protect me'", she told the hearing. "Her whole face became distorted. I thought 'she's angry with him', (but) she was angry with me.

"She called me a whore, she took my left arm and yanked me out of his lap and flung me across to the wall (and said) ... 'get the f*** out of here'."

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Ms Tolmie-McGrane said she crawled away and had to go back to church, but when another nun found out she could not raise her arm she was given "a real hiding".

"I said I couldn't lift my arm, my arm hurt. I said (a nun) has broken my arm," she said.

She added that the second nun took her to hospital but warned her: "Don't you dare tell anybody what happened, young lady, or I'll break your other arm" and assured her she would be "lying to protect a man of God, so it's ok to lie".

Ms Tolmie-McGrane, who later went to Glasgow University and now works in Norway as a psychologist, told the inquiry she was at Smyllum from 1968 until 1979.

She described how, on her first night there, she was slapped after waking up screaming from a nightmare, then forced into a freezing cold shower for wetting the bed.

If a child vomited, they would have their faces rubbed in it or be told to eat it, she said. She also also described beatings at the hands of nuns, sometimes with the crosses they wore.

"I would say every child at some point would have been hit with a cross," she said.

Children would be made to sleep in soiled sheets for two or three nights as a punishment for bed-wetting, she said, and when they went on an annual holiday to Ayrshire, they would end up badly burnt and blistered from the sun.

The inquiry also heard how one girl would run away often but never returned after being run over by a car one day.

Ms Tolmie-McGrane told the inquiry she approached police officers visiting Smyllum on two occasions to tell them "the nuns are hurting me" but was "marched back in" to the institution on both occasions and then beaten by a nun.

Injuries from her time at Smyllum included a facial scar and broken tooth from being "slammed into a wall", broken fingers from being hit with a hair brush and a broken tail bone from having a seat pulled out from underneath her when she was sitting down.

"I have, unfortunately, physical scars, not just emotional ones," she told the hearing.

Ms Tolmie-McGrane recounted an occasion when, aged 13, she ran away from a nun who "was always trying to touch me" and squeezed her breasts.

She said she spoke about the instances of sexual abuse during confession with different priests. "The answer I got was 'pray for them'," she said.

She recounted how Smyllum staff would lock her in a dark pantry as a punishment, knowing she had a fear of the dark. Another punishment involved children having their mouths washed out with carbolic soap, she said.

Residents would also be separated from their friends, she told the hearing, saying: "We just thought they didn't want us speaking about what was going on."

Catholic Church claimed victims consented to sexual abuse
Ms Tolmie-McGrane, who achieved five A grades in her Higher exams, also told how she would have to do her revision in the toilets after bedtime and would be called names by the nuns when she did well in her education.

Asked what lessons should be learned, she told the inquiry: "I think it's important the Catholic Church figures out who the bad nuns and priests are and has them removed."

She added: "The child should always be believed."

Colin MacAuley QC, counsel to the inquiry, put it to her that a particular nun has been spoken to by the inquiry and does not accept the allegations.

The witness replied: "All I can say is I have no reason to lie, but she maybe has a lot to lose."

The inquiry, chaired by Lady Smith, continues.

http://www.independent.co.uk/new ... olmie-a8095241.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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