本帖最後由 lautze 於 2016/10/18 04:42 編輯
仍是很有可能, 但無証據啵
猶如, 你很有可能是那屋邨色魔, ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/10/18 00:59 
馬可福音被學者和歷史學家廣泛認為馬可福音的作者對猶太人的地理和文化背景不了解,而且文字學和風格也強調這不可能是原作者是猶太人的背景,我用的資料都是用acepted among/gernerally accpeted/most等用詞,是大多學者認為,而非少數派的見解。
Gospel of MarkIt is fairly well accepted among historians and biblical scholars that the errors regarding Judean geography and customs, as well as the author's need to explain Jewish law and ideas, indicate the author of Mark is not a low or middle class Judean Jew.
C、基督徒文摘解經系列 就算你們基督教的解經資料大傳都承認:在教會歷史最早肯定知道這段長的結尾存在的可能是愛任紐(Irenaeus,ca.130-200),基於文體以及語言和用字的研究,大部分學者都認為這段長的結尾不大可能出自馬可的手筆。但是沒有任何學者可以絕對肯定它書寫的日期,有些
The language, theology, and style of Mark suggest that Mark was written for the Gentile, not for practicing Jews
9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 J.D. Crossan, Who Killed Jesus (1995)
13.0 13.1 13.2 Mack The Christian Myth 2001
11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Five Gospels, Funk, 199
most scholars agree that Matthew was composed between 80 and 90 CE, with a range of possibility between 70 to 110 CE (a pre-70 date remains a minority view).[16][17]
Biblical Scholars and linguists generally accept that Matthew is a compiled work from three different sources: Mark, the Q Document, and the religious "church" community the author ofMatthew would have been part of. Based on the same language analysis, the author of Matthew was likely a highly-educated Jew who wrote in Greek, but with a Jewish worldview and schooled in Jewish law.[9][13]
16.1 Dulling, 2010, The Gospel of Matthew |