本帖最後由 Gauss 於 2014/1/26 14:43 編輯
基督的奴隸 Slaves of Christ
你們作僕人的,要懼怕戰兢,用誠實的心聽從你們肉身的主人,好像聽從基督一般。不要只在眼前事奉,像是討人喜歡的,要像基督的僕人,從心裡遵行神的旨意。(以弗所書 6:5-6,和合本)
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. (Ephesians 6:5-6, NIV)
Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. (Ephesians 6:5-6, NASB)
Slaves, be obedient to those who are, according to human reckoning, your masters, with deep respect and sincere loyalty, as you are obedient to Christ: not only when you are under their eye, as if you had only to please human beings, but as slaves of Christ who wholeheartedly do the will of God. (Ephesians 6:5-6, NJB)
Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ, not only when being watched, as currying favor, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, (Ephesians 6:5-6, NAB)
1. Slaves 是「奴隸」,slaves of Christ 是「基督的奴隸」。中文聖經譯本,往往把 slaves of Christ 譯成「基督的僕人」,隱瞞淡化原經文的奴性思想,欺騙中文讀者。
2. 耶穌和他的門徒從來沒有談及民主、人權、宗教自由、言論自由和思想自由,他們顯然對這些概念是無知的。