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Polish nuns ride in style in a BMW i8

What Jesus would drive remains a mystery. But if the answer lies with two nuns from Poland, then his vehicle of choice is none other than the BMW i8. A viral photo captured by a bystander named Przemek Sobola shows two Polish nuns entering the BMW i8 parked in front of a church. Though Sobola only snapped one photo, he claims the nuns drove away. The owner of the six-figure supercar remains a mystery. According to Sobola, he was attending a friend’s wedding in a village in Central Poland when he caught the nuns and their getaway car. He says there were actually four nuns surrounding the BMW, but only two went for a joyride. With a starting MSRP of over $140,000, the BMW i8 is far from a modest mode of transportation befitting a nun, which makes this photo that much more puzzling. Does it belong to the nuns? Or a generous churchgoer who took a leap of faith by entrusting his or her expensive ride with the convent? But despite the expensive price tag, the nuns (and Jesus) can perhaps take solace in the fact that the i8 hybrid is a relatively eco-friendly vehicle with a zero-emissions EV mode. http://www.motortrend.com/news/nuns-caught-driving-off-bmw-i8-supercar/ |