本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2019/6/7 22:27 編輯
The first consistent attempt to set up an institutional ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2019/6/7 21:44 
所謂禁書令, 又係局限係羅馬城, 羅馬教區內之喎:
(1)For the dioceses of Rome,
(2)According to a decree of 12 June 1543, all the city’s book shops were to be thoroughly investigated in search of
Protestants publications
而且, 論文內也聲明了:
due to the relative autonomy in religious matters either achieved or claimed by rising nation states such as Spain, Portugal and France and to the success of Reformation movements especially in Central and Northern Europe –the sixteenth-century papacy had serious difficulties in exerting a decisive influence beyond the Alps and, to some extent, even had to struggle in the southern Italian regions controlled by the Spanish monarch
教廷, 得把口, 無乜力水:
Catholic policy was not uniformly dictated by Rome, especially since lay rulers were often unwilling to expose their domains to its political and economic influence |